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Presentation transcript:

Daily Question/Warm Up Date: 3-26-2019 Science Homework: Density Quiz Redos due: APRIL 1st. (Monday) Redo/late Flammability article Due: 3/27 NB Check: TODAY Performance Task due: 3/25 at Midnight! What you need Today: Notebook Pencil Glue Table of Contents: 3/26 Pg. 165 POE Candle Burning Pg. 166 Candle Explain Pg. 167 DQ/Warm Up Pg. 168 Methane Equation Daily Question/Warm Up Explain why you think a candle stays burning for an extended period of time without it going out?

Date: 3-26-2019 Study Skills Homework: What you need Today: Planner Notebook Pencil Table of Contents: 3/26 Daily Question/Warm Up How much longer do we need for the email presentation? `