Destiny Harris , Mira , Marcus, Taylor


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Presentation transcript:

Destiny Harris , Mira , Marcus, Taylor Discovery Of Atom Destiny Harris , Mira , Marcus, Taylor

The Discovery of the Atom First Theory proposed by Democritus in 400 BCE Modern Atomic Theory by Dalton Proposed in 1803

Discovery of the Nucleus Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus in 1911 Used the gold foil experiment

Discovery of the Proton Eugen Goldstein in 1886 Discovered positive canal rays Rutherford later named them protons and definitively ID’d them as a part of the atom.

Discovery of the Neutron James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932

Discovery of the Electron Part 1 JJ Thompson discovered the particle in 1897 Robert Millikan discovered the charge of the electron in 1909.

Discovery of the Electron Part 2 Niels Bohr proposed that electrons move about the nucleus in orbits in 1913 Werner Heisenberg, in 1927, asserted that it is impossible to know for certain the location and speed of an electron—called The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Discovery of Radioactivity Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896 Frederick Soddy, in 1903, discovered that radioactivity is due to transmutation of elements— “heavier” elements decay into “lighter” elements.