Percentage of watershed area in critical zone*


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Presentation transcript:

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 1: 20,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 2: 10,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 3: 5,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 4: 2,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 5: 1,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 6: 500km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 7: 200km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 8: 100km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 9: 50km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 8: 100km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 7: 200km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 6: 500km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 5: 1,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 4: 2,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 3: 5,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%

Percentage of watershed area in critical zone* Scale 2: 10,000km2 watersheds * Critical zone defined as a 1km buffer of the interface between forest and agriculture on slopes greater than 8%