The money model a little becomes a lot!


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Presentation transcript:

The money model a little becomes a lot! Freedom financial advantage, llc GILBERT L. Peacock (704) 905-9867

Begin with the end in mind! “MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL OF YOUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY, THROUGH CHRIST JESUS” Philippians 4:19. You WANT YOUR NEEDS MET AS AN END POINT, BUT FIRST CONSIDER THE REVERENCE YOU GIVE GOD BY RECOGNIZING JESUS CHRIST. “The lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need” Psalm 23:1(NLT). Because we have accepted Jesus as our shepherd, He has made provision for us. “The lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you never need to borrow from them” Deuteronomy 28:12(NLT).

Motivational statements “Giving is living.” Pay god first and yourself second. Spend for your needs, save for your wants. Keep your resources connected to the source. Every seed should yield a replenishing harvest. “You are blessed to be a blessing.” You can’t beat god giving.”

The money model 10% of your gross income should be for giving i. e. tithes 10% for Savings and Investments 80% for living expenses You perform the s.i.n. analysis to see if you are on budget. (S.i.n. analysis measures the percent you allot to spending, investments and needs, based on your bank and/or credit card statements.)

“Hard work leads to profit, meek talk leads to poverty” proverbs 14:23 Don’t be… Prideful in poverty Prideful in ignorance Prideful in not knowing and understanding Prideful in failure Be… Purposeful in profit Purposeful in progress Purposeful in gaining knowledge and understanding Purposeful in doing all things that unsuccessful people are not doing