What is this????? (make a T chart) p. 57R


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Presentation transcript:

What is this????? (make a T chart) p. 57R What do I notice? What do I wonder?

What are these pictures of? Discuss with your group and add to your t-chart (1 min)

But HOW did this giant patch of garbage collect there? Discuss with your group (1 min)

What you have learned about the What did you Learn pg. 57 L As we watch the videos and have class discussions write down: What you have learned about the Great Garbage Patch! Details about it. How did it get there? Whose trash is it?


What are the turtles riding on What are the turtles riding on? How do you think this relates to the Pacific Garbage Patch? Discuss for 1 minute with group.

Talk ONLY when its your turn Philosophical Chairs Be respectful Talk ONLY when its your turn Agree or disagree with IDEAS, not with people

Agree Unsure Disagree The wind on earth all points to one spot and carries the plastic that way

Agree Unsure Disagree Waves carry the plastic

Begin explaining the Garbage Patch.,… add to Pg 57L Why do you think all the plastic garbage ends up in one place? What do you think can be done about it?

ON A STICKY NOTE Write down one question you had today about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Stopped here

Surface Currents Vs. Deep Currents Directions: With a partner, read Ch. 9.2 (page 356-361) in your textbook on ocean currents. Compare and contrast the two types of currents by filling out the T-chart graphic organizer.

NOAA Ocean Currents Video (14 min)

Things to consider: density, temperature, and other oceanic factors. Research Project Find an answer to the following question: What creates ocean currents? Things to consider: density, temperature, and other oceanic factors. You will be able to use all available resources: Textbook Class articles Cell phones (if available/responsible)