Scripture Focus: Hebrews 12:1-14 The Better Way: Hebrews


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Presentation transcript:

Scripture Focus: Hebrews 12:1-14 The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE Scripture Focus: Hebrews 12:1-14

The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE The Word to Live By: Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

Spiritual discipline is a normal part of growth in holiness. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE Session Truth: Spiritual discipline is a normal part of growth in holiness.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time . . . The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE No discipline seems pleasant at the time . . . How has the meaning of discipline changed for you throughout your life?

What is meant by “the great cloud of witnesses”? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE What is meant by “the great cloud of witnesses”? Are those in “the great cloud” spectators?

Is the goal to finish first or just to finish? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE Why is the race a relay, not a solo run? Is the goal to finish first or just to finish? What does endurance have to do with discipline?

How is Jesus “the author and perfecter of our faith? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE How is Jesus “the author and perfecter of our faith?

Why should we be encouraged by God’s discipline? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE Why should we be encouraged by God’s discipline? What is the purpose of God’s discipline? How is God’s discipline different from an earthly parent’s?

What is the “harvest” of discipline? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE What is the “harvest” of discipline? Does suffering itself make us holy?

Why does living peaceably take effort? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE Why does living peaceably take effort? What does it have to do with holiness? What does the Cross have to do with holiness?

Why are our choices often good/better/best, rather than good or evil? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE Why are we prone to “push the envelope” when it come to values choices? Why are our choices often good/better/best, rather than good or evil?

What does this have to do with discipline? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE How do you decide what things would be best to “throw off” in order to run your race? What does this have to do with discipline?

How do we need God’s help to live “in peace” with others? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE How do we need God’s help to live “in peace” with others? How important are right relationships to holy living?

What hindrance do you need to throw off? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE What hindrance do you need to throw off? What changes do you need to make to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

in the center of Your will. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE The Center of His Will Prayer Lord, I long to live in the center of Your will. Show me what is right, and enable me to do it.

Give me a right perspective The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE The Center of His Will Prayer Give me a right perspective on life, and teach me to care about the things that matter to You.

and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 13: THE BETTER DISCIPLINE The Center of His Will Prayer Empower me for service, and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. I pray in Christ’s strong name. Amen.