PostgreSQL as a Document Storage for .NET applications


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Presentation transcript:

PostgreSQL as a Document Storage for .NET applications Konstantin Proskurdin Adver-Online



Bio Web Developer 10 years of experience in IT 9 years of DB experience 8 years of web experience MSPD

Agenda Structured/Semi Structured data Document-oriented databases PostgreSQL Marten

Structured Data Data model explicitly determines the structure of data Schema is fixed Easy to visualize A lot of Math Ready-made query language, SQL

Semi-structured Data Self-describing structure The schema can easily be changed Helps to not worry about object-relational impedance mismatch Support for nested or hierarchical data Support for lists of objects Can represent the information of some data sources that cannot be constrained by schema Flexible format for data exchange between different types of databases

Semi-structured Data Usage Document storage Data exchange (Json, XML) Shared data storage …

Document Storage MongoDB Caché DocumentDB RavenDB PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Hstore JSON HStore2 JSONB

JSON vs JSONB JSON: textual storage “as is” JSONB: no whitespaces JSONB: no duplicate keys, last key wins JSONB: keys are sorted JSONB: indexes could be used

JSON(B) Operators -> Get JSON object field by key ->> Get JSON object field as text #> Get JSON object at specified path #>> Get JSON object at specified path as text @> Does the left JSON value contain the right JSON

Sample object


JSONB Indexes Expression Indexes GIN Indexes

JSONB Indexes Demo



Summary Structured/Semi Structured data Document-oriented databases PostgreSQL Marten

That’s all