World War II 1939-1945 Part #2 WHII #38.


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Presentation transcript:

World War II 1939-1945 Part #2 WHII #38

The World at War 3 Main Theaters of War during WWII: _________________ ____________– USSR fighting Germany _____________________- Britain and the U.S. fighting Germany and Italy ____________ Italy and Germany both control territory there _____________ U.S. fighting the Japanese

North Africa ________ – British and American troops fight in the ________________in Egypt against the Axis Powers British forces and U.S. forces commanded by _____ ___________________________defeat the German Afrika Korps By 1943 the Axis Powers are pushed out of North Africa and Hitler _______________________of his troops 1943 – The Allies next _______________– “the soft underbelly of Europe,” and fierce fighting erupts for over a year until the country is conquered

D-Day When the US gets involved in WWII, Germany controls all of Europe The Allies decide to invade Europe in order to _________________from German control Supreme Allied Commander ________________ comes up with the plan ________________the invasion of France by the Allies occurred, known as ___________ The success of this battle allowed the Allies to get a foothold in Europe, gradually ___________ ____________________

Push to Germany After liberating France, the Allies _____________ ______________________ __________________________is launched in September of 1944 in an effort to ____________ ____________– massive paratrooper invasion of Holland to weaken Germany which unfortunately fails

The Bulge In the winter of 1944-1945 Hitler launches a ________________________________________ of Belgium – ____________________occurs and ends with an Allied victory – last great battle in the European Theater ____________gets surrounded near the town of Bastogne but refuses to surrender – become known as the ___________________ ________________

Victory in Europe ________________________________by Italian guerilla fighters in 1945 Hiding out in Berlin and on the verge of being captured by the Soviets, ____________________ Axis Powers in Europe formally surrender ________________– Germany surrenders ___________________(Victory in Europe) – war in Europe is officially over