Debate, Projects, and Presentations


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Presentation transcript:

Debate, Projects, and Presentations OUTPUT Debate, Projects, and Presentations Skills Development Conference 2018

Enjoys traveling abroad Hawaii 🏝 2nd year at Hokuchiku ALT SCOTT ANDRADA JTE REI Araragi 2-年生 students 5th year at Hokuchiku Enjoys traveling abroad Hawaii 🏝 2nd year at Hokuchiku Hobby: Jiu-jitsu Self Introduction: myself & Araragi-sensei JIU-JITSU!

What makes hokuchiku unique? 4 things that makes Hokuchiku unique? Uniforms, hike mt sarakura,

What makes hokuchiku unique? English Course, Debate Team, Two ALT’s, Teach Debate together in our English Courses, and we Coach our Debate Teams afterschool

Strategies for debate, projects, and presentations Workshop aims Strategies for debate, projects, and presentations Tips to improve student’s performance See an example of how students can incorporate their original ideas Discussions on how to organize and plan for debate, projects, and presentations.

Debate Survey Debate activities Example of lessons Share topics Debate Workshop agenda Debate Debate Survey Debate activities Projects & Presentations Example of lessons Share topics Have Debate Survey, Debate activities animated, share topics ~ Animated. We split this workshop: first portion will be on Debate. Transition to Projects & Presentations in the latter half. Disclaimer: The Debate portion of this workshop will focus on implementing Debate activities in the classroom. I will mention some things to help with your Debate Teams.

Debate Survey Debate activities Example of lessons Share topics Debate Workshop agenda Debate Debate Survey Debate activities Projects & Presentations Example of lessons Share topics We’ll have a total of 3 Discussions. You’ll have a chance to talk with your JTE or ALT on Debate, Projects & Presentations.

Debate survey questions Discussion 1 Is Debate taught in your English classes? Would you like to have Debate in your English classes? Is Debating in English important to learn? Is teaching Debate difficult to do? What are the challenges to teaching Debate? *Audience discussion: 2 pairs (ALT&JTE with another ALT&JTE) Debate Survey questions 2 Pairs: ALT & JTE 5 minutes

2 Pairs: ALT & JTE 5 minutes

Debate survey questions Discussion 1 Is Debate taught in your English classes? Would you like to have Debate in your English classes? Is Debating in English important to learn? Is teaching Debate difficult to do? What are the challenges to teaching Debate? *Audience discussion: 2 pairs (ALT&JTE with another ALT&JTE) Debate Survey questions 2 Pairs: ALT & JTE 5 minutes

Survey results Survey results (multiple slides?)

Is Debate taught in your schools? If Yes: which students are taught Debate? 1年生 2年生 3年生 4 33% YES 67% NO If No: would you like to have Debate in your English class? Yes No 8 There was a tie on if Debate would be wanted in their classes. 4 ALTS have Debate in all grades in their high school

Is teaching Debate difficult to do? Is Debating Important to learn? Survey results II Is teaching Debate difficult to do? Is Debating Important to learn? Yes No 60% 40% 75% YES 75% of those surveyed said Debate is difficult to do.

“I do not find it particularly challenging.” Challenges of debate “I have been told it is not in Japanese culture and too difficult for students. So it is not done at all. For me it makes my life easier not trying to force JTE and students into doing something that is not natural but after I attended a debating competition, I saw the value in how debating is a very good way to learn English. Students have to state an opinion and give evidence and other students have to listen and find a way to counter 'argue' that opinion. I think if debating was presented more 'neutral' not as debating but more critical thinking - as a student giving a fact or opinion and other students must listen and provide alternative facts or opinions as a way to learn new things from each other. Not as a way to diminish each other.” “We don't do debate, so I couldn't imagine many of my JTEs knowing how they could prepare their students for debate. Preparation seems to me to be the hardest part. If, say, the students are not accustomed to speaking out, how can we prepare them to speak independently?” “Debate is a good tool but it's not always important to learn specifically in English, I feel. The most difficult part is getting students to think of rebuttals and build effective, convincing arguments in English. I also find it time consuming because so much time is spent on teaching students the structure of debate. I would rather it be taught to older students than first years.” “I don’t know, I don't teach it.” “Students need a depth of vocabulary to understand and respond to arguments about any debate issue. This level of depth for topical vocabulary takes time for students to learn thoroughly enough to use in the short time restraints of debate.” “Low student level. It is difficult to know what extent debate can be taught to lower level students.” “Students feel it difficult to debate. It’s difficult to express what they want to say.” “Doing a debate requires students to have at least intermediate level English. Since a debate is a group project, it requires everyone to pull their weight. Everyone must be motivated. Finding the time to prepare and have a debate is crucial.” “I do not find it particularly challenging.” Challenges of teaching debate

Debate? So why Debate? What is the Value of Debate According to the new education reforms, in the MEXT Course of Study, English education is pushing for the idea of active learning.

Teaching debate Discussion Debate Tips on lesson planning for debate

Debate Discussion Teaching debate 1. Teach the value of giving reasons 2. Give lots of examples of reasons 3 Use relatable topics for the students 4. Keep a slow pace in the beginning 5. Group work: brainstorming, decision making 6. Opinion sharing Debate

Debate Discussion Teaching debate 1. Explain debate terminology and procedures 2. Teach about support and evidence. 3. Group work in “FOR” and “AGAINST” teams 4. Evaluation and self-evaluation 5. Students as judges for in-class debate Discussion 3. Again in brainstorming, and decision-making

Simplest form of debate? PING PONG DEBATE Debate in it’s simplest form. This activity is debate in its simplest form. This activity, being short in length, students can be given multiple rounds to practice debating in the Affirmative and Negative.

1-nensei had a debate on whether using smartphones in Hokuchiku should be allowed.

Ping pong debate A-さん B-さん C-さん D-さん FOR 賛成 AGAINST 反対 Debate in it’s simplest form. This activity is debate in its simplest form. This activity, being short in length, students can be given multiple rounds to practice debating in the Affirmative and Negative. D-さん FOR 賛成 AGAINST 反対

Kj method Opinion Opinions KJ Method is a proven group consensus technique KJ Method aka KJ Technique, or Affinity Diagram, is named after its inventor, Jiro Kawakita. “I wanna see a show of hands, raise up your hands, if you know what the KJ Method is??? In any situation with a large group of people, each person can have a different opinion. The KJ method is very effective for organizing and prioritizing opinions and data. How to simplify and modify for a debate?

Kj method Step 1: Determine a Focus Question Step 2: Separate people into Groups Step 3: Put opinions (or Data) onto Sticky Notes Step 4: Put sticky notes on the wall Step 5: Group similar Items together Step 6: Categorize each group Step 7: Rank for the most important groups Step 8: Vote the most Important groups As a group

Kj method

+ Ping Pong Debate! Kj method? Step 1: Determine a Focus Question Step 2: Organize the Group Step 3: Put opinions (or Data) onto Sticky Notes Step 4: Put sticky notes on the wall Step 5: Group Similar Items Step 6: Naming Each group Step 7: Vote for the Most important groups Step 8: Rank the most Important Groups How to simplify and modify for a debate? + Ping Pong Debate!

+ Ping Pong Debate! Kj method? Step 1: Determine a Focus Question Step 2: Organize the Group Step 3: Put opinions (or Data) onto Sticky Notes Step 4: Step 5: Put sticky notes on the wall Step 6: Group Similar Items Step 7: Naming Each group Step 8: Class votes for winning team/side + Ping Pong Debate! How to simplify and modify for a debate?

Kj method Ping Pong Debate A Versus B Pros Cons Advantages Disadvantages Pros Cons Advantages Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages of owning a dog of owning a dog Which is a better pet? Cats or dogs? Advantages Disadvantages of owning a dog of owning a dog Advantages Disadvantages of owning a cat of owning a cat 4 different Affinity charts, using 4 different colors.

use Kj method to setup your debate activities Have your students us the KJ Method to setup debate in your class.

Debate activities Discussion 2 Which of these Debate activities can be used in your English classes? How would you adapt these activities for your students? *Audience discussion: 15 minutes “Now that I have shown you one/ two examples of debate activities, there are 5 more activities. With your JTE and ALT, as a pair please look through read the resources, and discuss These two questions/ ALT with JTE 15 minutes

Coaching debate Inflection & Fluency

Consider this sentence: “I didn’t say we went to SDC.” Inflection Consider this sentence: “I didn’t say we went to SDC.” Depending on what word is inflected, the meaning changes. Students often focus on pronouncing each word correctly and therefore tend to pronounce in an unnatural manner. Inflection of words, or word-stress, is Important in English communication.

Someone else may have said it Misunderstood what I said Inflection II I didn’t say we went to SDC. I didn’t say we went to SDC. I didn’t say we went to SDC. I didn’t say we went to SDC. I didn’t say we went to SDC. I didn’t say we went to SDC. I didn’t say we went to SDC. Someone else may have said it Misunderstood what I said Someone else did We went somewhere else

“3-2-1” Activity 3 rounds of speaking practice: fluency “3-2-1” Activity 3 rounds of speaking practice: 1st round: 3 minutes of speaking with a partner 2nd round: 2 minutes with a new partner 3rd round: 1 minute with another new partner Accuracy takes a backseat. The goal and focus is continuous speaking

Projects & Presentations Fluency & Intonation

Hokuchiku Universal Design Project  Introduction ☞“What does Universal Design mean?”         ~Make a group of 3 or 4 for each~ Brainstorming ☞Individual ⇒ choose the best one ①What do we have to change? ②How do we change it? ③What advantages does our design have?

Brainstorming ③ What are the advantages? ② How do we change it? ① What do we have to change?

Hokuchiku Universal Design Project 3. The first draft ☞ Individual ⇒ Put them together ~Have the draft checked by ALTs~ 4. The final draft ☞Memorize the draft ~Make the poster~ 5. Rehearsal ☞ Checked by JTE &ALT(s) 6. Presentation ①☞Peer evaluation

Choose the best presenter Peer evaluation Choose the best presenter

Hokuchiku Universal Design Project 7. Video shooting ☞ Self evaluation ~Scored by ALT(s)~ 8. Presentation ② ☞ Q&A ……In total, 10 classes

Self evaluation Rubric ・Time ・Contents ・Poster ・Tone ・Memorization ・Non-verbal ・Attitude

① Listen to the presentation Interaction ② Write Questions ③ Ask ④Notes

Setting up the classroom Language Learning Room example (2-nensei)

Setting up the classroom Standard classroom example (1-nensei) For solo Presentations

B-さん evaluates Non-Verbal 50 minute class 20 min. preparation or rehearsal 10 min. first round ABC-さん 5 min. switch chairs & feedback 10 min. second round 5 min. self-evaluation A-さん A-さん A-さん Standard classroom example (1-nensei) 50 minute class. C-さん evaluates Content B-さん evaluates Non-Verbal Presentation skills C-さん B-さん C-さん B-さん

Discussion 3 Exchange topics of Projects & Presentations (where students can share their original ideas) How are students evaluated? How do you set up the classroom (desks and chairs) for a presentation? *Audience discussion: 15 minutes groups of 4 pairs Debate Survey questions 4 Pairs: ALT & JTE 15 minutes

4 Pairs: ALT & JTE 15 minutes

Discussion 3 Exchange topics of Projects & Presentations Topics exchange Discussion 3 Exchange topics of Projects & Presentations (where students can share their original ideas) How are students evaluated? How do you set up the classroom (desks and chairs) for a presentation? *Audience discussion: 15 minutes groups of 4 pairs Debate Survey questions 4 Pairs: ALT & JTE 15 minutes

Anybody want to share? Time permitting

Value of Debate, Projects, & Presentations OUTPUT

Contact me: Debate resources Course of Study – Maryann Miyashiro PA Textbooks: MAINSTREAM II (Ping Pong Debate) / Discover Debate / Pros & Cons Debate Activities: Somer Alexandra (Scott’s predecessor) Teaching Debate Outline: KJ Technique: Contact me: Course of Study – Maryann Textbooks Discover Debate / Pros & Cons.

Debate, Projects, and Presentations Thank you! Debate, Projects, and Presentations Skills Development Conference 2018