Injuries at the 2005 World Championships in Rock Climbing


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Presentation transcript:

Injuries at the 2005 World Championships in Rock Climbing Volker Rainer Schöffl, Dr med, Thomas Kuepper, Dr med  Wilderness & Environmental Medicine  Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 187-190 (September 2006) DOI: 10.1580/PR26-05 Copyright © 2006 Wilderness Medical Society Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 Velcro straps are used to cover intersections between mattresses. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 2006 17, 187-190DOI: (10.1580/PR26-05) Copyright © 2006 Wilderness Medical Society Terms and Conditions

Figure 2 Climbers were “spotted” in the lower section of the routes to improve safety. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 2006 17, 187-190DOI: (10.1580/PR26-05) Copyright © 2006 Wilderness Medical Society Terms and Conditions