Tackling Youth Homelessness


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Presentation transcript:

Tackling Youth Homelessness Sharon Brown, Director

Today We will: Share policy & guidance Provide space for discussion of implications for practice Programme 9.40 Youth Homeless North East 10.00 Young People – The Homeless Reduction Act 10.45 Break 11.00 Working with 16/17 year olds & Discussion 12.00 Young people involved in the criminal justice system & Discussion 13.00 Lunch 13.45 Working with Care Leavers 13.55 Discussion with refreshments available 14.45 Panel Q&A 15.15 Final comments & close

What we do We believe ‘Every young person has the right to a home’. We aim to achieve this through co-production and social action with young people aged 14- 25 years old, who are affected by or at risk of homelessness, working collaboratively with sector partners in the North East and nationally.  Boosting the voice of young people to shape solutions and influence policy. Embedding early intervention and prevention through education and local capacity building; engaging with young people. Informing delivery models with effective route maps for young people at risk of homelessness.  Providing robust evidence with young people  and sector partners to increase awareness of homelessness.

Youth Homelessness Family & relationship breakdown Domestic Unemployment Substance misuse Domestic Violence & Abuse Poor school attainment Childhood Abuse Homelessness Poverty Understanding triggers Care-leavers Mental Health Issues Crime –Victims & Perpetrators Bereavement

Causes of Youth Homelessness 2017 10 of 12 LA’s responded National – Homeless Link Familiy breakdown (49%) of all youth homelessness Delayed UC 92% (44%) YP NEET Unemployment 16-25 12% nationally

Young People’s Needs 449 Young people (9 of 12 LA’s) Complex needs increasing amongst homeless young people (nationally 82% providers reported increase, Homeless Link 2018) Mental health issues became the greatest area of need amongst homeless young people Followed by independent living skills and Offending history Survey of youth homelessness NE 2017

The Youth Housing Charter

Prevention ‘Education about homelessness’ ‘Mediation’ ‘Preparation’ ‘Listened to’ The Youth Housing Charter Resources required to implement pathways to meet the needs of young people leaving prison, those who have been involved in the looked-after system, those who have experienced domestic violence and abuse, those with substance use issues, those with mental health issues Pre-tenancy training for vulnerable young people Mediation to enable young people to remain at home

Housing ‘Secure’ ‘Rights and responsibilities’ ‘Permanent home’ ‘Area you know’ ‘Safe and welcomed’ ‘Close to family, cares and friends’ The Youth Housing Charter Affordable housing choices (safe, of a high standard, in an area young people know, close to support networks) A range of housing options to meet individual need Rents that enable young people to work No requirement for rent in advance Housing for more than 6 months

Support ‘When leaving-care’ ‘Extra support through change’ ‘Flexible support’ ‘One worker with expertise’ ‘Equal access up to 25 years old’ The Youth Housing Charter Understanding triggers/characteristics and providing appropriate support early to children/young people and families Adequate support and advice early and overtime Embedding the joint commitment of housing and children’s services to work together Implementing specialist pathways and frameworks Developing greater collaboration under HRA Ensuring the ‘personal assessment’ is effective and jointly owned with young people

Youth Homeless NE sharon@yhne.org.uk www.yhne.org.uk @YouthHomelessNE Sharon Brown Director sharon@yhne.org.uk www.yhne.org.uk @YouthHomelessNE