The Aging Male Organ: What to Expect and How to Deal.


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Presentation transcript:

The Aging Male Organ: What to Expect and How to Deal

As lines crease the eyes and waistlines expand, the male organ too gets old. It’s not often talked about in polite circles but what happens when the member ages. Sure, everyone talks about ED; it’s hard to ignore with so many commercials selling various medications to keep the soldier at attention. But what else happens when the young member becomes an old member. Here are a few things a man can expect as he grows old with his favorite appendage.

#1: Go with the Curve A life well-lived can cause a male organ to branch off in new directions, so to speak. A less pronounced curve (usually under 10 percent) is nothing to worry about. However, if a curve is in the 20 to 30 percent arena, a man should head to this urologist to get checked for Peyronie’s Disease (PD). PD can be quite uncomfortable, causing men pain when urinating or having relations. PD affects about one in every four men, mostly over the age of 40. Treatment can include a wide range of things from Botox injections to oral medications to shock wave therapy. Not all men with PD experience ED, but it is commonly associated with the disease.

#2: Male Organ Dysfunction Almost 15 percent of men have ED by age 70. It can happen at any age, but with seniors, lack of blood flow to the male organ is the major problem. While modern society would say to just pop a tablet, men should really pay attention to and remedy the underlying physical causes first. Many times, lifestyle changes such a diet, exercise, and stress management can remedy the issue and also increase overall wellness.

#3: The Firehose Falls to a Trickle An aging male organ commonly has one of two issues – urinating with a powerful, healthy stream or being able to suspend urination until in the bathroom. Both issues interestingly originate in the prostate. See a physician to ensure its just old age and not something more serious. Then try to make a few holistic additions to the routine such as intense point several times per week and performing male Kegel exercises. Some men also find that zinc and selenium supplements help clean out the prostate and keep it young.

#4: An Old Member “Toughens Up” No longer a member that gets hard when the wind blows past it, an aging male organ has been there and done that. Also, androgen levels drop with age, further decreasing manhood sensitivity. But there is a silver lining – like most muscles, if you don’t use it, you lose it. The male organ is no different. Try to persuade hardness every day, even it goes unused. This keeps the man muscle primed so when he’s needed, he’ll be ready.

#5: Minor Shrinkage for the Major General A man typically won’t lose more than a centimeter of pure male organ over his lifetime. However, men often feel they are losing length because of the belly that now seems to loom skyward of their member. This is an easy fix. Start a sit-up challenge and firm up the area. They say for every 20 pounds of belly fat lost, a man regains a half-inch of length back in his member.

While aging is a natural thing and can’t be stopped (at least not yet), there are many ways to keep an aging male organ youthful. One of the best ways is to maintain a daily manhood hygiene routine which involves a thorough cleaning and ample massage with a hydrating balm. Use a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to get maximum results. Look for creams with a natural base, like Shea butter, and contain vitamins and amino acids like vitamins A through E and l-carnitine and l-arginine. A crème like this will keep the male organ supple, assist in cell turnover, protect against peripheral nerve damage, and enhance sensitivity for decades down the road.Man 1 Man Oil