cFS Workshop Introduction


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Presentation transcript:

cFS Workshop Introduction The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory core Flight Software System Workshop October 26, 2015 David McComas – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Logistics Full day so minimal breaks in the agenda Break room for side discussions Lunch options Pre-order from APL cafeteria Lunch trucks

cFS Workshop Agenda Start Duration Stop Title Presenter Content 9:00 0:45 9:45 Welcome & Community Overview Dave McComas Welcome, cFS Community Overview and Plan , Action Summary 0:30 10:15 HQ Happenings Mike Aguilar Software release status, TCAT Debrief 11:00 Product Management Susie Strege Current Configuration Control Board activities and products 11:30 Future Products & Technology Jonathan Wilmot Message ID, EDS, etc. 4:45 4:15 User presentations 0:20 User 1: S&K Global Solutions Mike Monahan Community Needs Survey Results Lunch User 2: Odyssey Space Research Matt Benson Integrated Development Environment User 3: Embedded Systems Solution Charlie Rogers User 4: EXB Solutions Paul Carpenter Automated Test for NASA cFS User 5: LMSCO Ryan Slabaugh Inserting Core Flight System User 6: TTTech Christian Fidi cFS OS enhancements for network User 7: Johns Hopkins APL Chris Monaco User 8: NASA ARC Craig Pires User 9: NASA GSFC Alan Cudmore User 10: NASA JSC Lore Prokop AES cFS-based Projects User 11: Emergent Brendan O'Connor cFS Components for Autonomous Missions, FDIR, and Sensor Interactions User 12: NASA IVV Justin Morris 0:15 Break 4:30 1:00 5:30 Wrap up, Future Plans, Actions, etc. Dave, Gary, Leads Review feedback and coordinate near-term future plans

cFS Workshop Goals Discuss current informal community charter/organization and create a roadmap for establishing a formal charter Get feedback from user community to understand their perspectives, needs, and goals Describe current product management, identify needs, and create a plan forward Describe current communication mechanisms, shortcomings, and create a plan forward Provide path for how to engage and grow the community Introduce virtual teams Reduce risk of fragmentation!!

cFS Workshop Strategy Agenda flow Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How can we get there? Gary Smith is our workshop administrative officer Take notes and log action items Inputs via sign up sheets or email: Compile attendance list: Name, Organization, Location (APL or remote) Virtual team sign up Accept general comments Gary and I will organize the programmatic/technical information to help facilitate our final session of the workshop

Before we begin… There are 10 types of people in the world: Questions, suggestions, etc. There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't