Distance Service Delivery: Getting the Appropriate Expertise to Children and Families in Remote Areas Joicey Hurth, Facilitator, NECTAC Erin Kinavey,


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Presentation transcript:

Distance Service Delivery: Getting the Appropriate Expertise to Children and Families in Remote Areas Joicey Hurth, Facilitator, NECTAC Erin Kinavey, AK -Part C Ardith Ferguson, CO -Part C Debra Hannigan, ME- C & 619

ALASKA Part C Program Erin Kinavey

CO Part C Ardith Ferguson

CO Part C Ardith Ferguson Teaming Through Technology Early Intervention Colorado Colorado Department of Human Services/Division for Developmental Disabilities www.eicolorado.org Part C funded contract with: University of Colorado, Assistive Technology Partners Maureen Melonis, Project Director Brian Burne, Project Coordinator www.assistivetechnologypartners.org CO Part C Ardith Ferguson

CO Part C Ardith Ferguson Our Challenges: Personnel shortages Remote rural and mountain areas Access to equipment Limited budget Limited time Lack of specialized skills Lack of understanding of use with infants and toddlers CO Part C Ardith Ferguson

CO Part C Ardith Ferguson Our Solutions: Video- and tele-conferencing Consultation via phone, email, video Loan bank support Follow-up technical assistance CO Part C Ardith Ferguson

CO Part C Ardith Ferguson Outcomes for FY 2008-09: 16 Video conferences conducted Monthly technical support to 25 Assistive Technology Specialists Expansion of web-based resources related to infants and toddlers 265 early intervention items in loan bank CO Part C Ardith Ferguson

Maine C & 619 Debra Hannigan

Maine C & 619 Debra Hannigan Location of Regional Sites

Maine C & 619 Debra Hannigan Geographically diverse Unorganized territories Islands Coastal areas “Two Maines”

Maine C & 619 Debra Hannigan Resource Maximization Child Development Services Webinars Teleconference-Lunch and Learns, Law Course Live Connections via internet/Video conferencing Website Training Modules Home grown Direct Step ( LRP)

Maine C & 619 Debra Hannigan - Providers Teleconferencing Skype Video Conferencing Therapy and consultation Digital Recordings Useful for Primary Service Provider Model

Maine C & 619 Debra Hannigan Barriers Technology availability for families Wireless capability for Skype et al Parent /staff reservations Staff ability to use all the technology