Something For Nothing I. Blessings For Unfaithfulness.


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Presentation transcript:

Something For Nothing I. Blessings For Unfaithfulness. A. Sunshine & Rain (Mt 5:43-48; Genesis 8:22). B. Food & Gladness (Acts 14:15-17). C. Pleasure & Riches (Luke 8:11-14; Proverbs 14:20; 19:4; Luke 9:9; 13:1; 23:12).

Something For Nothing I. Blessings For Unfaithfulness. D. Long Life (Ecclesiastes 7:15). E. Glory & Honor ● Selfish charity (Matthew 6:1,2). ● Public sanctity (Matthew 6:5). ● False piety (Matthew 6:16).

Something For Nothing ● Ecclesiastes 2:18 ● II Timothy 4:14 II. “They Have Their Reward.” ● Ecclesiastes 2:18 ● II Timothy 4:14 ● II Peter 2:12-14

Something For Nothing III. Spiritual Blessings In Christ. A. Life & Godliness (II Peter 1:1-4). B. Every Spiritual Blessing (Ephesians 1:3).