Plotting and Analysis Programs


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Presentation transcript:

Plotting and Analysis Programs Time series Velocity fields Statistics File utilities

Generating Time Series Glred produces a single file containing position estimates for each day Script sh_plotcrd extracts position estmates from this file and uses GMT to produces a postscript time series for each site Sh_plotcrd invokes programs ensum and multibase, and script sh_baseline which produce intermediatefiles With sh_glred, the glred outputs are separate files but the intermediate files are the same 30-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 11

sh_plotcrd sh_plotcrd reads an input solution file and plots the times series with GMT. Basic format is sh_plotcrd –s <span> -f <files> where <span> is ‘long’ or ‘short’ to control whether x-axis is days or years, and whether velocities are removed Output is postscript files with names of the form psbase.<site> (North, East, Up components are all on the one plot). Other options available 30-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 11

Ensum input and files ensum is used to extract station coordinates from the repeatability runs ensum <options> <summary_file> <values_values> <Input solution files ..> options: Main option is the minimum number of values to be used in computing RMS (for repeatability this is 2) Summary file is name of file which contains a summary of the repeatability by site and component (NEU) Values file is the actual time series of results Input solution files is a list of .org or .prt files or values files from previous runs (must start with va) 30-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 11

multibase multibase extracts individual time series from a values files and generates a series of files for individual sites and components of the form mb_<site>.dat[123] where 1 is North, 2 is East and 3 is Up Time can be in day-of-year or years depending on how long the time series is 30-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 11

sh_baseline sh_baseline plots the times series with GMT and generates postscript files with names of the form psbase.<site> (North, East, Up components are all on the one plot). sh_baseline -help gives all the options 30-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 11

Velocity plots sh_plotvel extracts velocities from a prt/org file and creates GMT plots sh_plotvel –f <file> -s <site> where <file> is a glorb prt/org file and <site> is a reference site (optional) Many other options to customize plots 30-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 11