Sub-regional workshop on integration of administrative data, big data and geospatial information for the compilation of SDG indicators for English-speaking.


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Presentation transcript:

Sub-regional workshop on integration of administrative data, big data and geospatial information for the compilation of SDG indicators for English-speaking African countries   23-25 April 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addressing the integration of non-traditional data sources, administrative data and geospatial information for producing official statistics in Africa through the strategy for Harmonization of Statistics in Africa Leandre Ngogang, ECA

Sub-regional workshop on integration of administrative data, big data and geospatial information for the compilation of SDG indicators for English-speaking African countries   23-25 April 2018 CR6, UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addressing the integration of non-traditional data sources, administrative data and geospatial information for producing official statistics in Africa through the strategy for Harmonization of Statistics in Africa Léandre Ngogang, ECA

Introduction Challenges of African Statistics Systems Opportunities Institutional weaknesses such as inadequate financing and use of statistics in policy making as well as poor management and institutional capacity within statistical bodies themselves; Organizational weaknesses such as poor quality and management of data, weakness in data analysis and poor dissemination and access to information produced. Opportunities SDGs Agenda 2063 The Imperative need for comparative data for the integration process and measurement of development Data revolution The emergence of new data sources, greater acknowledgment of the need to integrate geospatial and statistical information

Why SHaSA? Need to address all of the challenges face by the African Statistical Systems in a drive to support the African integration program alongside national, regional, continental, and international development agendas Need to provide users with quality harmonized statistical information in all areas of integration in order to foster better formulation and effective monitoring of Integration and development, according to the timelines of the different agendas. Statistics produced in Africa do not always meet user needs. Often they fail to be produced and disseminated in a timely manner. Moreover they sometimes neglect to take into consideration current and topical events, or to take on board the specificities of the African environment. So it is not unusual to find that their methodologies do not reflect African realities and that they are not always comparable between countries, etc.

What is SHaSA? Objective is to address all of ASS challenges in a drive to support the African integration program alongside national, regional, continental, and international development agendas Vision: "An efficient statistical system that generates reliable, harmonized and timely statistical information covering all dimensions of political, economic, social, environmental and cultural development and integration of Africa“ Expected outcomes: Adoption of common international norms adapted to African realities; Better coordination of development efforts and the sustainable production of a wide range of harmonized statistics in order to inform political decisions and measure progress made in the implementation of development agendas The strategy is structured on four strategic themes

Strategic themes and objectives of SHaSA II SO1.1: To expand the statistical information base SO1.2: To transform existing statistics for comparability SO1.3: To harmonise standards and methods of statistical production ST1: To produce quality statistics for Africa SO2.1: To establish effective coordination and collaboration mechanisms SO2.2: To define statistical priorities for the implementation of integration and development agendas ST2: To Coordinate the Production of Quality Statistics for Africa SO3.1: To reform and enhance national statistical systems SO3.2: To reform and enhance regional and continental statistical systems SO3.3: To Develop sustainable statistical capacities SO3.4: To Establish an effective technological environment ST3: To develop sustainable institutional capacities of the African statistical system SO4.1: To drive evidence-based decisions through the use of statistics SO4.2: To improve the communication of statistical information ST4: To Promote a culture of quality policy and decision-making

Implementation Specialized Technical Groups prepare and implement sectoral action plans for statistical harmonization develop and / or adopt international standards and methodological guidelines for statistical harmonization in their respective fields Lead Countries or Champions Important role of key stakeholders (StatAfric, statistical training centres, etc.) Partnerships

Specialized Technical Groups No Specialized Technical Groups Secretariat 01 STG-GPS (Governance, Peace and Security) AUC/AfDB 02 STG-ES. External Sector (External Trade and Balance of Payments) AUC/AACB 03 STG-MF (Money and Finance) AACB/ 04 STG-NA&P (AGNA) (National Accounts and Price Statistics) ECA/AfDB/ AUC 05 STG-II&T. (Infrastructure, Industries & Tourism) AfDB/NEPAD 06 STG-PFPS&I. (Public Finance, Private Sector and Investment) AfDB 07 STG-STE. (Science, Technology & Education) AUC/ACBF/NEPAD 08   STG-So. Demography, Migration, Health, Human Development, Social Protection & Gender ECA/AUC 09 STG-Env. (Agriculture, Environment, Natural Resources, & Climate Change) AfDB/AUC

Specialized Technical Groups No Specialized Technical Groups Secretariat 10 STG-CB (AGROST). Statistical Training and Capacity Building. ECA/ACBF/AUC 11 STG-Labor and Informal Sector Statistics AUC/AfDB/AFRISTAT 12 STG-Classification ECA/ AFRISTAT 13 STG-Statistics on Civil Registration ECA/AUC 14 STG-Sustainable Development AUC/AfDB/ECA 15 STG-ICT for Statistical Production AfDB/AUC 16 STG-Mobilization of Political Will AUC/AfDB 17 STG-Emerging Statistical Issues AfDB/ECA/ACBF 18 STG-National Strategies for the Development of Statistics

Administrative date and Non-tradition data sources in SHaSA Four strategic objectives (SO1.1, SO1.2, SO1.3, SO3.1) out of eleven addressed non-traditional in official statistics SO1.1: To expand the statistical information base: aims to broaden the existing statistical information base to cover all areas of Africa’s integration and development.  improve administrative data and take advantage of new and innovative data sources to fill the data gap and respond to data demand in new areas SO1.2: To transform existing statistics for comparability:  Improve administrative data to ensure their comparability SO1.1 is to broaden the existing statistical information base to cover all areas of integration and development, notably political, economic, social and cultural domains, as well as the adaptation of statistical changes to the structure of economies

Administrative date and Non-tradition data sources in SHaSA (Cont’d) SO1.3: To transform existing statistics for comparability :  Apply agreed standards on administrative an non-traditional data SO3.1: To reform and enhance National Statistical Systems: adoption of statistical laws and regulatory frameworks in line with the African Charter on Statistics; development and implementation of NSDS; organization of peer reviews; establishment of adequate and sustainable funding for statistical activities, etc.  Appropriate legal framework to improve the use of administrative and non-traditional data in official statistics

Thanks For questions and comments: Léandre Ngogang African Centre for Statistics Economic Commission for Africa