Globalization and the New Social Order Revolution and the promotion of Democracy
Guatemala Stopped by a U.S. lead coup Population coerced into living under a wave of despotic regimes
Nicaragua: Internal forces; mistakes, arrogance, inexperience, etc External forces: low-intensity war; surrogate army, destroying symbols of the revolution
U.S. foreign policy: authoritarian regimes and democratic regimes
Globalization, the world system, and democracy promotion in U.S. foreign policy (Robinson, 1996) –within a process of transnationalism in the age of the global economy. –coercive domination to consensual model of social control –Massive expansion of international capital under U.S leadership –achieving order and security for U.S global interests
Why? Under new conditions of global capitalism a new type of social order develops Authoritarian regimes are obstacles economic and information flows Generates new pressures and new actors for political change
institutional constrains on effective opposition to the social order
From authoritarianism to the active promotion of democracy 1980s and 90s creation of new apparatus for implementing democracy Polyarchy:refers to a system in which a small group actually rules and mass participation in decision-making is confined to leadership choice in elections carefully managed by competing elites.
Gramscian Hegemony Coercive domination and consensual domination Hegemony as a social relation binds together a block of diverse classes and groups under circumstances of consensual domination (628).
Hegemony is not simply something that happens as a mere superstuctural derivative of economic happens through a multiplicity of superstructural agencies and instances
post-modern global culture and global consumption pattern Culture-ideology of consumerism
In short, by redefining the economic terms of North-South relations, globalization also redefined the political terms of these relations (622)
How is the Sandinista regime (its accomplishments and legacy) an obstacle to global capitalism?
This is another way of restoring the values of the past with vengeance. (Ramirez Mercado in Adios Muchachos 1999: 44)
Latin America is a slave economy masquerading as post- modern: it pays African wages, it charges European prices, and the merchandise it produces most efficiently is injustice and violence (Galeano 1998: 29).
Creating the conditions for major changes Elimination of revolutionary gains as obstacles for industrial development Paving the way for profound changes This changes had a lot to do with global politics of neoliberalism: structural adjustment
Structural adjustment Structural Adjustment Policies are economic policies which countries must follow in order to qualify for new World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans and help them make debt repayments on the older debts owed to commercial banks, governments and the World Bank.
SAPs generally require countries to devalue their currencies against the dollar; lift import and export restrictions; balance their budgets and not overspend; and remove price controls and state subsidies.
SAPs are aimed at: To restore economic stability through privatization, Restructuring of the banking system: credit restriction Restructuring of government institutions
What does it mean for people? Higher prices for basic necessities: electricity and water Relaxation of labour codes: less control, less reinforcement Deterioration of families, human rights, etc
Latin America is a slave economy masquerading as post- modern: it pays African wages, it charges European prices, and the merchandise it produces most efficiently is injustice and violence (Galeano 1998: 29).
Revolutionary gains Agrarian reform: --land distribution --accessibility to credit --education
Workers rights Bargaining power strengthen Labor laws More workers organized
Womens rights Legal framework Practical terms: maternity leave Education Creation of organizations
Establishment of democratic institutions Creation of CSE Creation of national assembly First elections: 1984
Healthcare Universal medicare Health brigades, Health education Rural access
Healthcare Universal medicare Health brigades, Health education Rural access
Education Public education Literacy campaign Continuing education 6% for universities
National identity Sense of independence Sense of possibilities Control of destiny Flexibility in diplomatic relations
Impact of reversal of Sandinistas gains Government control lifted: Abundance of food but no one can afford it From collective solidarity to ruthless individualism
Reasons behind structural adjustments. USA interest in eliminating government obstacles to trade 2. -Promote reforms to political and military institutions to their liking 3. Encourage Central American economic and political integration under North American Dominance
Economic consequences Agrarian reform dismantled Education; major changes Health care: privatize Womens rights: under threat National identity: becomes under the influence of USA policies Labor issues: situation as bad as in Somozas time
*** Why put so much effort into erasing traces of the revolution and on transforming the urban landscape? Why spend so much money in erecting gleaming monuments after so many deaths?
Reasons The images, and symbols of the revolution contrary to the ideals of rampant capitalism Sandinistas still a threat to the new social order A new physical and ideological landscape needed to be constructed.
PPP Plan Puebla Panama 64 million people Eight countries Infrastructure, development and jobs Maquila assembly factories