Citi Money Gallery Education Programme Money and Citizenship


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Presentation transcript:

Citi Money Gallery Education Programme Money and Citizenship Image Bank Bimetallic £2 coin. Great Britain, AD 1997 Museum number: CM 1999-6-6-1 Supported by Citi

Suffragette-defaced penny. United Kingdom, AD 1903 Museum number: CM 1991,0733.1

Wedding charm in the form of a silver coin and ingot Wedding charm in the form of a silver coin and ingot. From the Chinese world; 19th century AD. Museum number: CM 1983-10-17-15

Zimbabwe banknote poster, 2009 Zimbabwe banknote poster, 2009. The Zimbabwean © TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris;British Museum

Feather money (tevau) from Naipe Village, Nendö, Santa Cruz, Solomon Islands, around AD 1975 Museum number: AOA 1976.Oc11.236

Deposit book, cheque book and bank card for the Bank of Hell Deposit book, cheque book and bank card for the Bank of Hell. From a Chinese supermarket, London, England, AD 1990s Museum number: CM 1994-3-13-1

Love token Great Britain, AD 1797. Engraved by a convict, Forget Me Not. Museum number: CM J3304

5 dollar Planters Bank of Fairfield banknote. Winnsboro, USA, 1853. Museum number: 1888,1208.265

Money hat from Samu'ah, southern Hebron hills, modern Palestinian Authority, AD 1840s (with later additions). Museum number: 1968.As4.5

Ceramic gambling token from Bangkok, Thailand, 19th century AD Ceramic gambling token from Bangkok, Thailand, 19th century AD. Gambling tokens become common currency. Museum number: CM 1973-9-8-6

Gold aureus of emperor Claudius; AD 46-47; minted at Rome, Italy Museum number: 1863,0501.1

Coin spiral display of the national currency of UN recognised countries. The coins spiral alphabetically by country from the centre to the outer edge of the display panel. There are 192 coins in total, with one space representing South Sudan, which issues banknotes but is yet to issue coins, following its independence in 2011.

Now you have finished… For more information Go to or All images: © The Trustees of the British Museum