The Treaty of Versailles


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Presentation transcript:

The Treaty of Versailles

THE TREATY of VERSAILLES Punish Germany JUNE 28, 1919 1. Territorial losses - overseas territories, and land in France                            

THE TREATY of VERSAILLES Punish Germany JUNE 28, 1919 2. Military restrictions - limits army, forbids navy and air force                            

THE TREATY of VERSAILLES Punish Germany JUNE 28, 1919 1. Territorial losses - overseas territories, and land in France 2. Military restrictions - limits army, forbids navy and air force 3. War guilt clause - sole responsibility for war, $33 billion in war reparations 4. League of Nations formed - Germany, Russia excluded                            

THE TREATY of VERSAILLES “A flawed peace” GERMANY: humiliated, blamed for war, no way to pay back reparations RUSSIA: Russia excluded from League, high casualties, loss of territory GLOBAL Self Determination: NO support for Constitutional government in SE Asia                            

The Costs of World War I

“War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left”

Germany's defeat, 11 November 1918 With the failure of the Ludendorf Offensive, and with the exhausted state of Germany, the German generals recognised that it was time to sue for peace with the Allies. The Kaiser was forced to abdicate on the 8th November and a new democratic republic was established. But how would the Allies deal with a defeated Germany?

KAISER WILHELM ii AND IMPERIAL GERMANY On 8th November 1918, Imperial Germany came to an end when a democratic republic was established. Though it was intended to have Wilhelm tried as a ‘war criminal’ he was eventually allowed to spend the rest of his life in exile in the Netherlands. He died in 1941.

Allies Great Britain, France, Russia, U.S 43, 749, 850 TROOPS MOBILIZED                             Allies Great Britain, France, Russia, U.S 43, 749, 850 Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy 24, 249,421

26 million deaths (½ civilians from starvation, disease, exposure) THE COSTS of WAR 26 million deaths (½ civilians from starvation, disease, exposure) 20 million wounded 10 million became displaced refugees                            

Historians estimate economic costs of World War I at $350 billion!! THE COSTS of WAR 4 years and 30 countries                             Historians estimate economic costs of World War I at $350 billion!!

David Lloyd-George [Great Britain] Woodrow Wilson [USA] Vittorio Emanuele Orlando [Italy] Georges Clemenceau [France]

The BIG FOUR Great Britain: David Lloyd George “make Germany pay!” Italy: Vittorio Oralando Austrian land claims France: Georges Clemenceau prevent future invasions United States: Woodrow Wilson post war peace                            

Wilson's 14 Points

WILSON’S PEACE PLAN “Fourteen Points” - January 1918                             No secret alliances/treaties Freedom of the seas Lower tariffs to foster trade Arms reduction ( to lessen militaristic impulses) Self-determination of colonies

The Goals of France and Great Britain Wilson’s Goals vs. The Goals of France and Great Britain

France and Great Britain Punish Germany!!!                             France and Great Britain Punish Germany!!!

Wilson’s GOAL Lasting peace; world peace keeping organization                            

TREATY OF VERSAILLES, 1919 REVENGE ON GERMANY The Treaty was designed to cripple Germany militarily, territorially and economically REVENGE ON GERMANY WAR GUILT CLAUSE GERMANY’S MILITARY FORCES REDUCED NO UNION WITH AUSTRIA Germany had to accept blame for starting WW1 - Army restricted to 100,000 men. - No modern weapons such as tanks, military air force. - Navy could not have battle ships over 10,000 tons and no U-Boats. REPARATIONS THE TERMS OF THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES 1919 Germany forced to pay massive fine for war damages - 1,000,000,000 Marks (6.6bn pounds). GERMAN OVERSEAS TERRITORRIES RHINELAND TO BE DE-MILITARISED Germany lost Chinese ports [Amoy and Tsingtao], Pacific Islands, and African colonies [Tanganika and German SW Africa]. GERMAN NATIONAL TERRITORY Germany lost national territory which was given to Belgium and Denmark, France(Alsace Lorraine) and Poland.


The map of Europe was redrawn The Great War was to see the collapse of four continental empires. These were to be replaced by new nation states.

German Territorial Losses

League of Nations Mandates in Africa

A British newspaper cartoon, by David Low. Source 1: A British newspaper cartoon, by David Low. SOURCE WORK: 1) First, describe the storyline shown in the cartoon. 2) Then, relate the political message intended by the cartoonist – what does the horse represent, what does the cart represent, why is it stuck in the air, who are the two men, why is one carrying a whip and one a shovel – what is the political message ? What does the horse represent? Why is Briand holding a whip? What is this referring to? Briand, French Prime Minister Why is the cart up-ended? ‘Perhaps it would gee-up better if we let it touch earth.’ Why is a shovel left here? Lloyd-George, British Prime Minister Why is Lloyd-George holding a shovel? What is meant by the caption?

Vengeance! German Nation Source 5: Today in the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles the disgraceful Treaty is being signed. Do not forget it! The German people will with unceasing labour press forward to reconquer the place among nations to which it is entitled. Then will come the vengeance for the shame of 1919. From the ‘Deutsche Zeitung’ [‘The German Express’] newspaper. Source 5: Source 7: Only fools, liars and criminals could hope for mercy from the enemy. In these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for the dead. By Adolf Hitler, who had served in the army and became a future leader of Germany

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