Digestive System Study Guide.


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Presentation transcript:

Digestive System Study Guide

Sagittal section of the oral cavity and pharynx Soft palate Uvula Hard palate Nasopharynx Palatine tonsil Tongue Oropharynx Lingual tonsil Epiglottis Hyoid bone Laryngopharynx Esophagus Trachea Sagittal section of the oral cavity and pharynx 2

Sagittal section of the oral cavity and pharynx Uvula Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Sagittal section of the oral cavity and pharynx 3

Pulp cavity (contains blood vessels and nerves) Enamel Dentin Crown Pulp cavity (contains blood vessels and nerves) Neck Gingiva (gum) Cement Root canal Root Periodontal ligament 4

Pulp cavity (contains blood vessels and nerves) Gingiva (gum) Cement 5

External anal sphincter Epiploic appendages Transverse colon Descending colon Haustrum Ascending colon Teniae coli Sigmoid colon Appendix Rectum Anal canal External anal sphincter 6

External anal sphincter 7

Left colic (splenic) flexure Right colic (hepatic) flexure Epiploic appendages Transverse colon Superior mesenteric artery Descending colon Haustrum Ascending colon Ileocecal valve Teniae coli Sigmoid colon Cecum Appendix Rectum Anal canal External anal sphincter 8


!!! NOTE !!! Hepatic portal vein Hepatic veins Caudate lobe Left lobe Cystic duct Common hepatic duct Gallbladder Fissure Right lobe Falciform ligament Quadrate lobe Ligamentum teres 10