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Presentation transcript:

SIMULATION TOOLS FOR PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER* Cho-Kuen Ng, Lie-Quan Lee, Greg Schussman, SLAC Parallel FE EM Code Suite ACE3P Defect Mode & Damping – Omega3P ACE3P: Parallel Finite Element EM Code Suite (Advanced Computational Electromagnetics, 3D, Parallel) ACE3P Module Accelerator Physics Application Frequency Domain: Omega3P – Eigensolver (w/ damping) S3P – S-Parameter Time Domain: T3P – Transients & Wakefields Pic3P – Particle-In-Cell (self-consistent) Particle Tracking: Track3P – Dark Current and Multipacting Multi-Physics: TEM3P – EM-Thermal-Mechanical f=390.493MHz/a, k=8.184/a e = 2.13 Ez rc = 0.52a ra = 0.35a Defect Mode Lin PBG fiber Side Coupling k = 8.18/a; Q = 1,108,000 k = 8.18/a; Q = 191,000 Key strengths: Fidelity - Tetrahedral conformal mesh with quadratic surface Accuracy - Higher-order finite elements (p = 1-6) Speed & size - Massively parallel computing Side coupling dense w/o waveguide w/ waveguide PCF Coupler – S3P Defect Mode Radiation – T3P Scattered field Solve for defect mode using Omeg3P Launch defect mode on PBG fiber port in T3P Evaluate power flow of scattered field at far distance E field B field Defect mode driven here Port Mode Excitation of defect mode Solve for port mode at a specified frequency using a 2D eigensolver Load port modes onto coupler ports for S3P to determne scattering properties E field Snapshot of electric field Snapshot of scattered field power * Work supported by .US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.