Why Do I Have a Red Male Organ, and How Can I Treat It?


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Presentation transcript:

Why Do I Have a Red Male Organ, and How Can I Treat It?

A red male organ doesn’t necessarily point to an infection and is a very common problem for men. If the red skin accompanies rough, dry or chafing and soreness, it can be uncomfortable and create obstacles to your intimate health and happiness. Skin redness can have causes that aren’t due to an underlying disease, some of which you can find below. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to treat a red and sore member. Read the list below to determine whether or not your red and sore organ is just irritated or if you need to seek medical treatment.

1) Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes redness on the skin that can be painful to the touch. Dry skin builds up to create patchy and sometimes flaky patches of red skin. It is common to find psoriasis on the skin. Although psoriasis is a chronic disease, it can remain dormant for periods of time until it emerges. 2) Balanitis is inflammation of the sheath and head. While this is most common in uncut men, it can appear in all males. Improper hygiene can contribute to skin irritation, including both lack of cleansing and too much cleansing. This disorder can lead to a red and sore member with tenderness, itching or swelling.

3) Poorly fitting clothes can cause skin redness and irritation as moisture and heat build-up and create an environment perfect for turning the skin red, rough or sore. Cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothing is recommended for those who experience redness and skin irritation. Sufferers from a red and sore member should avoid tight clothing as to not irritate the skin further. 4) Friction burn happens when heat is created from rubbing hard on the skin, either from partner activity or self-gratification. It makes the skin red, irritated, sore and can even be swollen and tender to the touch. This irritation should usually heal within a week but using a male organ health crème such as Man 1 Man Oil can speed up the recovery and provide some relief.

5) Partner Transmitted Infections can cause red male organ skin or a painful shaft. If you’re experiencing other symptoms like a painful or sac, itching inside your member or a white or yellow discharge from your member, you may have an infection. Seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Regardless of the cause of the red and sore member skin, avoid sensual activity until it properly heals or until you visit a doctor, as activity could make symptoms worse or lead to further issues.

Sometimes redness can be easily treated by proper hygiene. If you commonly refrain from bathing or bathe too often, the delicate skin can become irritated and lead to pain and redness. Avoid perfumed soaps and stick to hypoallergenic cleansers to keep the skin healthy. Those with an uncircumcised member need to pull their sheath all the way back to wash the head of their member with soap at least once or twice a day to avoid skin irritation.

After correctly washing the private area, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.