Loss of Sensation in the Male Organ: Medical and Non-medical Factors


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Presentation transcript:

Loss of Sensation in the Male Organ: Medical and Non-medical Factors

Loss of manhood sensation is something most men face in their lives. Losing that loving feeling may be inevitable in some cases, but in most, things can be done to improve sensitivity and regain some if not all sensation. If a man is experiencing loss of sensation in the male organ, first he should identify what is causing it. Once a cause is identified, he can take specific steps to regain sensation. Here are a few of the most common causes of manhood sensation loss and a few tips on how to get it back.

1) “Death Grip” – "Death grip" is likely the number one reason younger men are experiencing a loss of sensation in the male organ. Men who masturbate frequently often find they have to increase their stroke or constriction to come to release. As time goes on, the grip becomes so excessive and the friction so great that it's harder and harder (no pun intended) to completion. This is often accompanied by an increase in the explicitness of visual stimuli as well. This can lead to issues in a relationship when intimacy with a partner doesn't feel as good because the male organ has become less sensitive. 2) Age – As men hit 40, they may find their drive wane slightly and a loss of sensation in their male organ. Male hardness is dependent on blood flow. The blood vessels that direct blood flow in and out of it slow with age.

3) Low Androgen – With age, most men experience a depletion of androgen. This depletion then leads to a loss of manhood sensation or a numbness in the genital area. Other symptoms of low androgen are fatigue, low moods such as sadness or depression, irritability, and reduced muscle mass. 4) Medical Conditions Involving Reduced Circulation – Men who suffer from medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or heart problems can experience manhood sensation loss. Again, as with age, the blood flow slows with these diseases and that includes blood flow to the genitals.

5) Nerve Damaging Diseases – Nerve damaging diseases such as diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect the male organ in addition to the entire body. Both diseases are linked to neuropathy, a condition caused by nerve damage which can cause pain, burning, and numbness.

How to Improve Circulation and Increase Sensation For men with medical issues like diabetes, heart disease, or other diseases mentioned above, it’s always best to first treat the disease and then treat the symptom. One of the best ways to regain sensation, whether with or without a medical condition, is to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices like daily exercise, eat a healthy diet that is properly portioned and includes a wide variety of colors with plenty of protein and healthy fats, and to maintain or achieve a healthy weight. Weight loss, if needed, has been shown to overwhelmingly help blood flow to the male organ, resulting in greater sensation and firmness. Men can also do other things to increase blood flow. Exercising before intimacy is one way to get blood flow pumping. Not eating prior to intimacy, just like swimming, also helps the body focus on one thing – getting excited! Finally, enjoy intimate contact at the time of day when most alert.

In addition to other methods of regaining sensation in the male organ, massaging the member with a specifically formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) is another terrific way to improve sensation in the male member. In addition to comforting emollients, a crème like this should include other nutrients essential for genital health and function. Some especially beneficial ingredients to look for include vitamin C, which is a key nutrient for encouraging proper blood flow for optimum firmness. L-Carnitine also is a wonderful addition to any male organ health crème as it defends against peripheral nerve damage caused by friction, causing loss of sensation in the male organ. Also, a key amino acid that increases blood flow, L-Arginine, is a welcome addition to help sustain firmness.