Male Organ Nerve Damage: Dealing with Diminished Sensitivity


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Nerve Damage: Dealing with Diminished Sensitivity

Male organ nerve damage and numbness can be at the heart of many men’s intimate problems. The member is a very sensitive organ filled with tiny nerves. These nerves are messengers that communicate information from the brain to the different organs of the body. When the nerves get damaged, the information gets disrupted and causes a variety of problems, such as reduced pleasure and loss of sensual function.

What are the Symptoms of Male organ Nerve Damage? The most common symptoms of male organ nerve damage are numbness, loss of sensitivity, and lack of expected sensation when touched or stroked. Symptoms can differ depending on the cause of male organ nerve damage. Here are a few of the most common issues a man might face: A tingling sensation A burning or chilling feeling A feeling of "pins and needles" or like lightning is shooting through the member A bluish color

What are the Causes of Male organ Nerve Damage? There are several different causes of male organ nerve damage. Here are a few of the most common things that can cause male organ numbness and nerve damage. 1) Male organ Injury – As it's a delicate organ, there are many ways to injure the member. A few of these include vigorous coupling, intense workouts, prolonged tumescence, sports (especially cycling), chafing, and excessive self-gratification. Use of adult toys and enhancements like cock rings and pumps can also damage the delicate nerve tissue. For activity- induced issues like sports and coupling, take a break and be sure the member is not straining too much or having too much pressure put on it. For chafing concerns, wear looser fitting clothing, use lubricant when self-pleasuring, and always use a moisturizer after showering to keep the male organ supple and healthy.

2) Illness or Disease – Many people who suffer from illnesses that affect nerves experience loss of male organ sensation due to nerve damage or neuropathy. Common examples of these type of diseases include: - Multiple Sclerosis - Diabetes - Pyronine’s disease - Cancer - Lupus - Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) - Lyme disease - Hepatitis C - HIV - Guillain-Barré syndrome

Medications prescribed for these conditions can also make numbness or tingling worse. 3) Low Androgen levels – This cause is more common for men over 40. As people age, hormone levels decrease and result in lower desire and less sensation during intimacy.

Treating Male organ Nerve Damage There are many ways to treat male organ nerve damage, but the best way is to start by treating the root cause of the issue. So, for those suffering from male organ numbness due to diabetes, an enthusiastic commitment to reducing their diabetic symptoms through diet, exercise, and medication could help bring back sensitivity. For men who cycle, simple changes such as investing in padded biking shorts and changing seat angle could yield big benefits. For those with Low-T, medications of several varieties from oral to patches could increase libido and sensitivity.

In addition to treating the root cause, be sure to practice daily personal care habits such as a thorough, gentle cleansing and moisturizing the member with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This crème is especially beneficial as it contains important ingredients designed specifically for member health like vitamins A, C, D and E, and L-Carnitine which protects against peripheral nerve damage. It’s also important to choose a crème that starts with an all-natural base like Shea butter, which leaves delicate male organ skin soft, supple, and strong.male organ health creme