Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Bumps Basics: Recognizing Fordyce Spots

People like to look their best, which is why they may spend time at the gym, focus attention on their eating habits or pay particular attention to what clothing is the most flattering to them. For the same reason, men (hopefully) pay close attention to their male organ health, examining their member for any changes that could signal a possible issue. When male organ bumps appear, these can often cause a man to have concerns: Why are they here? What (if anything) do they mean? What do I do about them? One common form of male organ bumps which may cause these questions to arise is Fordyce spots.

Fordyce spots Named after the doctor who is credited with discovering them, Fordyce spots are very small white or pinkish spots that typically measure between 1 mm and 3 mm. (In rare occasions, they will be a little larger.) Since 1 mm is roughly equal to 4/100 of an inch – so these male organ bumps are rather small. Fordyce spots usually occur in groups, rather than individually, and it is not uncommon for a man to have them all along the shaft of his manhood and/or on his sacks. (They can also appear elsewhere on the body, most commonly on the lips.) They fortunately do not cause any pain, and they are not sore or tender to the touch. And because they are so small and painless, often they may go unnoticed for a long period of time. (It is estimated that up to 80% of men have Fordyce spots, so it is quite a common condition.)

Causes So what causes Fordyce spots? Most often, the culprit is sebaceous glands – those glands in the body which secrete the natural oils that are needed to keep the skin healthy. Most of the time, these glands are located near hair follicles, as it is these follicles that help provide a pathway for the oils to leave the body and reach the skin’s surface. Some recent research suggests that Fordyce spots may be more likely to occur in people whose blood levels are higher in fat than normal – although since so many people have Fordyce spots, it may instead mean that men with higher blood fat levels may simply have more of these particular male organ bumps.

Treatment Because Fordyce spots are benign, there is no need to treat them medically. However, some men can come to feel anxious or worried about having these male organ bumps. They may have experiences where a partner is put off by the Fordyce spots, perhaps worrying that they are a sign of a social disease In such cases, a qualified medial professional may be consulted to discuss options. Sometimes laser surgery is used as a way of removing Fordyce spots. Some doctors believe that dietary changes can have an impact on the presence of these spots, with lower-fat diets reducing the amount of oil secreted. More often, however, men simply accept their Fordyce spots. Some partners even find they make the manhood more attractive.

Identifying Fordyce spots and other male organ bumps is part of a proper male organ health regimen, as is the daily application of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Keeping member skin well-toned adds to the appeal of a man’s organ, so the selected crème needs to include both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a reliable hydrator (such as vitamin E). The skin also needs protection from oxidative stress, which can be caused by excess free radicals. A crème with a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, can help achieve this goal.male organ health creme