Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function


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Presentation transcript:

Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about antioxidants and the important role they can play in maintaining a person’s health. But it’s probably fair to say that while many people may have heard of antioxidants, most people don’t necessarily know exactly what they are or why they are important. And men may be unaware of potential male organ health benefits that antioxidants provide. It’s worth taking a moment to explore antioxidants and learn more about them.

What it is Simply put, an antioxidant is “a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules.” But what does that mean? Well, oxidation is a kind of chemical reaction, and when it occurs, free radicals are created. These free radicals are very sensitive toward other substances, and when they get busy, they can cause damage (often called oxidative stress) to cells, proteins and DNA. So, basically, sometimes the body creates a process that can damage cells if left unchecked. Antioxidants exist to keep these reactions from happening.

Free radicals are associated with a host of problems, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and just general aging. But they also have good uses. Free radicals help turn air and food into energy and also are part of the body’s immune system. As with so many things in nature, free radicals can cause damage or do good – it all depends on whether there are too many, too few or just enough of them.

Male organ health Antioxidants can play a role in keeping the body healthy by keeping free radicals in balance. But what specific role do antioxidants play in terms of male organ health? Manhood skin. The manhood skin is very delicate and can react strongly to slight irritants. If oxidative stress is present, it can weaken and damage the skin, making it prone to dermatological issues as well as to infection and inflammation. An antioxidant can be a valuable tool for helping keep manhood skin healthy.

Male dysfunction. A 2011 study indicated that antioxidants can have a role to play in helping correct male dysfunction issues. The process of achieving tumescence depends upon the manhood being able to receive and accommodate an increased supply of blood. Nitric oxide is needed for this to happen, as this substance relaxes male organ blood vessels, allowing them to more fully dilate and therefore receive more blood. However, one of the ways in which free radicals cause damage is by decreasing the amount of nitric oxide in the blood. The study authors found that antioxidants prevented this from happening, thereby making it easier for tumescence to occur.

Peyronie’s disease. More studies are needed in this area, but at least one study has found that free radicals may play a role in Peyronie’s disease, which causes an extreme bending of the manhood. According to this study’s authors, oxidative stress is at least partly responsible for the creation of plaque build-up, which causes the severe curvature. It is believed that targeted therapy with antioxidants could play a role in preventing curvature and perhaps in helping to reverse existing plaque buildup.

Antioxidants can be found in many fruits and vegetables, but they may also be available in a manhood-specific form via a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best of these crèmes include one or more antioxidants. For example, alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that can help fight free radicals. In addition, antioxidants like L-carnitine can help protect the sensitivity of the manhood, while the vitamin E also helps protect the manhood skin by keeping it moist and hydrated.male organ health creme