CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/


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Presentation transcript:

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/

CIS 339 Entire Course (DEVRY) For more course tutorials visit CIS 339 iLab 1 System Requirements (DEVRY) CIS 339 iLab 2 of 7 (DEVRY)

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS 339 iLab 3 - Structural Modeling - Class Diagram and CRCs (DEVRY) For more course tutorials visit As the software architect for the SRS system, you are making good progress in your work. After finishing the Functional Modeling (activity diagram, use case diagram, and use case descriptions) of the SRS system, you are now ready to move on to its Structural Modeling.

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS 339iLab 1 System Requirements For more course tutorials visit L A B O V E R V I E W Scenario and Summary You have been hired by the School of Prosperity (SoP) as a software architect to help the school plan, design, and implement a new online system called the Student Records System (SRS).

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS 339iLab 4 - Sequence, Communication, and State Diagrams For more course tutorials visit In this week, you will use your functional and structural models as the basis for your behavioral models that need to be developed for the SRS system. Specifically,

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS 339iLab 5 - Package Diagrams For more course tutorials visit Your analysis phase of the SRS project went well and your team feels good about their Functional, Structural, and Behavioral models. You also discussed the result of your analysis

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS 339iLab 6 - CRCs, Contracts, and Method Specifications For more course tutorials visit The design phase of the SRS project is in full swing and every developer on the team is assigned a group of packages to work on and to complete the design details of the classes in the package. To help speed up the design

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS 339iLab 7 - Object-Oriented Application Coding For more course tutorials visit Your demonstrations of how to create both method contract and the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class were very

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/ CIS339 iLab 2 of 7 For more course tutorials visit As the software architect for the SRS system, you are making good progress in your work. After finishing the Functional Modeling (activity diagram, use case diagram,

CIS 339 Possible Is Everything/