Male Organ Health Worries: What to Do if There’s Blood in the Urine


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Health Worries: What to Do if There’s Blood in the Urine

Men who are interested in good male organ health know that taking care of their member extends to the functions of the manhood and to what is inside the organ as well as what is on the outside. One of the more common issues for a man – and one that easily provokes stress and worry – is blood in the urine.

Hematuria Medically known as hematuria, blood in the urine can be obvious or difficult to discern. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), there are two types of hematuria: Gross hematuria - when a person can see the blood in his or her urine Microscopic hematuria - when a person cannot see the blood in his or her urine, yet it is seen under a microscope

Causes There are many causes of hematuria (most of which are not serious, according to the Urology Care Foundation). Among those causes are: 1.Urinary infection 2.Enlarged prostate in older men 3.Kidney or bladder stones 4.Prostate infection 5.Kidney disease 6.Kidney trauma 7.Bladder cancer (mostly in smokers) 8.Kidney cancer 9.Blood thinners (aspirin, coumadin/warfarin) 10.Anti-swelling medications (joint swelling and pain pills) 11.Tough workout

But there can be other reasons, such as conditions like sickle cell disease or hemophilia. Too-vigorous intimate activity can also (in some cases) be the instigator. Blood (or more specifically, the red blood cells from blood) gets into the urine usually because there is a problem in the filtering process, often in the kidneys, ureter or bladder. If a person has gross hematuria, there are enough red blood cells in the urine that it changes color, appearing as pink, red or brown.

Common As mentioned, blood in the urine is common, occurring in up to 10% of the population. Most of the time, the cause is not serious, such as a urinary tract infection or a kidney stone. The cause may produce some pain and/or discomfort, but it is unlikely to lead to a serious negative outcome. However, there are more serious situations, such as kidney disease, and even some which are very serious, such as kidney or bladder cancer.

Consulting a doctor when there is blood in the urine is necessary – both so that an informed diagnosis can be made and so proper treatment can be initiated to address the problem. For example, when a urinary tract infection is responsible, doctors will often prescribe antibiotics to battle the infection, which will in turn reduce and then eliminate the amount of blood in the urine. If a kidney stone is the culprit, it may be treated by increasing the amount of water a guy drinks; using a medication known as an alpha blocker; or using soundwaves to break up the stone. Sometimes lifestyle modifications may be suggested to keep hematuria from recurring. For example, modifying an over-aggressive gym workout, habitually increasing water intake, or making intimacy somewhat less vigorous for a while may be recommended.

Blood in the urine is a symptom of a male organ health issue, and paying attention is important. So is maintaining overall male organ health via application of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will include an ingredient known as L-arginine. This amino acid is involved in the creation of nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep manhood blood vessels open and flowing. The crème should ideally contain vitamin A as well. Vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that can help to diminish unwanted and persistent manhood odor.male organ health creme