Common Male Organ Problems to Watch Out for in Uncut Men


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Presentation transcript:

Common Male Organ Problems to Watch Out for in Uncut Men

All men will deal with male organ problems at some point in their life, but those that are uncut have a host of issues that they’re especially vulnerable to. Because of the attached sheath, uncut men are more likely to deal with bacteria and infections. Luckily, most of these issues can be easily combated with simple daily cleansing of the male organ and underneath the sheath. Here are some of the most common problem that uncut men deal with in their life:

1. Urinary Tract Infections: This is a condition most often occurring in women, but men who are uncut may also experience this unpleasant occurrence. A urinary tract infection happens when harmful bacteria, often e. coli, gets inside of your urethra. Generally, a man with a urinary tract infection will experience frequency urgencies to urinate, sometime waking from sleep. While voiding, a pain or burning sensation will usually be felt. In severe cases, blood may also be present in the urine. An antibiotic will be required in order to rid yourself of this uncomfortable ailment, but in the meantime cranberry juice can often alleviate the symptoms. An easy way to prevent contracting a urinary tract infection is by maintaining excellent hygiene and keeping your entire private area clean and bacteria free.

2. Phimosis: In this condition, a man’s sheath will be too tight to be pulled back past the head during sensual activity, causing intense pain during intimate situations. If a man is experiencing this, it’s essential to speak to a medical profession to find ways to loosen the sheath. 3. Hypersensitivity: Many uncut men report increased sensitivity. While this can often be thought of as a good thing, the increased sensitivity can be difficult to manage for less experienced men, sometimes resulting in early on release. Often, this is a problem that will resolve itself with time and experience. 4. Male Organ Odor: Underneath an uncut sheath is a prime hideout for trapped oil and skins that the body would have otherwise naturally exfoliated. Unfortunately, these natural body excrements can develop a foul odor. To avoid this, daily cleansing is key.

5. Smegma: But those who neglect to clean underneath their sheath daily will certainly deal with smegma, a thick, cheese-like buildup of dead skin cells, oil, and other fluids within the folds of the male organ. Not only is it unsightly, smegma can bring with is a host of health problems of its own. If not properly eradicated and cleaned out, smegma can cause irritation, redness and swelling on the male organ, leading to a condition referred to as balanitis. While uncomfortable, its actually quite common among men; roughly one in 20 men will experience balanitis in their lives. To combat this infection, be sure to clean the affected area and apply an antibiotic or antifungal medication. This condition is easily avoidable by proper hygiene.

Cleanliness is key For men with uncut male organs, good hygiene is critical to maintaining good health. While all men should exercise male organ cleanliness daily, it’s nonnegotiable for men who don’t want to experience problems. While in the shower, be sure to diligently and thoroughly clean the private area using a mild soap. After drying, a top-notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be applied. Be sure to pick a crème that will target common problems. Vitamin A is known to aid with odor control, while vitamin E can assist with softness and vitamin D with overall health. Whether intact or not, these essential ingredients are paramount in keeping the male organ in its best health.male organ health creme