MySQL and MyPHPAdmin
Go to http://gamma. lasalle Go to and log in, usual La Salle username and La Salle ID as password
PMA: phpMyAdmin interface to MySQL
Create a database
Create a table in your database – enter the name of the table, the number of fields and click Go
Enter the table fields and their types, on the left is the NorthWind database Product table shown in Microsoft Access. Click Save on lower right.
Result so far. Note it shows the SQL code.
Forgot to make a primary key Forgot to make a primary key? Just click on the Primary key button next in the desired field row
Choose to edit the UnitPrice field by clicking on the pencil icon
Change the Length/Values entry. Then click Save.
In Access have the NorthWind Product table selected (but not open), go to External Data/Export/Text File
Choose a name and location for the exported data, I chose the Choose a name and location for the exported data, I chose the .csv (comma separated values) extension. Click OK.
Choose Delimited. Click Next.
Choose a delimiter (comma) and a qualifier (quotes). Click Next.
Result viewed in Excel. (Close)
Back in PMA, select Product table and click Import
Browse for CSV file. Fill in CSV options: terminated (comma), enclosed (quote), escape (backslash), lines terminate (backslash n)
Success import message.
Click Browse to see the imported data