Point of View (POV) As simple as 1-2-3.


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Presentation transcript:

Point of View (POV) As simple as 1-2-3

POV is the angle or perspective from which the story is told Point of View POV is the angle or perspective from which the story is told Who is telling the story? For instance, is it a player on the home team or someone watching the game? How do we know what is happening? For instance, does a character tell us?

First Person Point of View (1) Frist Person: Told from the viewpoint of one of the characters, using the first person pronoun “I” “me” “we” “our”. The first-person: the narrator is the character in the story, Uses I, me, to refer to himself or herself From this P.O.V the reader only knows what the narrator does, thinks, observes, and feels Examples: I walked quickly down the street with my mum. I set off down a small alleyway where a cat exchanged a disturbing glance with me. We should all take responsibility for our planet

Second Person Point of View (2) The main character in the story is referred to using the second person pronoun “you”. Using the second person, narrators engage the reader and ask them to participate in the events or feelings. Usually used in “How-to” books or “Choose your own adventure” stories. For example: You would be really scared too! Your legs would be crammed up against the seat in this type of theatre. Frist you measure out one cup of milk and pour it into a mixing bowl.

Second Person Point of View (2) “Rubbing your aching head, you take in the scene around you. Nearby you see a narrow dirt road, and beyond it a fast-running brook. The road disappears into dense woods on either side of the field. You hear the sound of hooves, and a strange clanking noise. Someone is coming! You duck behind a tree as two men on horseback ride toward you. They are wearing shining metal armor. One of them carries a white banner with a golden lion on it. They must be knights! You watch as they rein in their horses and dismount just a few yards away.” Choose Your Own Adventure : The Forbidden Castle by Edward Packard0

Third Person Point of View (3) The story is told using a narrator who is located outside of the action of the story and uses third person pronouns such as “he”, “she”, “his”, “her”, “they” etc. Third Person Point of View can be broken up into two different types: Omniscient Limited Omniscient

Third Person “Omniscient” Point of View The narrator has the power to show the reader what is happening though a number of characters’ eyes. Omniscient = all-knowing or “God-like” Can include thoughts and perspective of all characters The narrator came be everyone at once. Ex. Meanwhile across town… The cardinal tipped his head back and drew breath to sing, but just as the first note passed his beak he heard the crack of a dead branch far below his perch high in the maple tree. Startled, he looked down, cocking his head to one side and watching with great interest while the man rattled the blades of grass as he tried to hide himself behind the tree.

Third Person “Limited Omniscient” Point of View Much like “omniscient” the narrator has a “god-like” perspective and is outside the story BUT tells chiefly from the main characters P.O.V. The main character is the one whose thoughts, actions, and feelings the narrator concentrates on and tracks “They all laughed, and clapped as Kelly blew out the candles on her birthday cake. Kelly could hardly contain her excitement and wondered when her parents were going to pull out her big birthday surprise.”.