Can You Afford Yourself?
Research Research 3 careers you are interested in (Ranker them highest interest to lowest interest), go to to research the official salary or hourly wage for each career. Write down 3 colleges that you would need to attend. One for each of these Careers. Include how many years you will have to go to school for. Find the cost of attendance per/semester of these colleges. List of amenities you currently have (smart phone and data package, Wi-Fi, Clothes (Abercrombie, Patagonia, etc.) List of amenities you would like to have after your career. Vehicle you would like to have after you start your career. Where you like to live (Miami, California, Nashville) House you would like after your career. (5 bedroom/3 bedroom, 1500sq ft., 3,000 sqft. Brick, pool etc.) What is the price where you want to live? # of children you would like to have
Career RN MD EMT College $4,300/sem.=$34,400 4 years+ housing and food Location want to live Locally House $120,000 (3 bed, 2 bath, Cove, Brick) Vehicle $42,000 Buick Enclave Children 3 Current Amenities IPhone, Family Data package, Wi-Fi, Netflix/Hulu Future Amenities Ending Balance Salary-Ending balance=Can you Afford Yourself?
Debt Student loans must legally paid 10% of your income back each year. Most lenders want it paid back in 15 years. (always read the fine print) How do we get out of school without high student loans? Owning vs. Renting Credit Taxes
Learn How to afford Yourself Take and retake ACT (Increase in score= increase in scholarship) Be a leader (participate in clubs ) Community Service (scholarships) Choose a career you enjoy and will be able to provide for yourself and family. Don’t buy the biggest and best house or nicest car (This truly doesn’t matter) Work and become “Independently owned and Operated” before getting married and starting a family. Don’t have the most extravagant wedding (most parents would love to give you a down payment on a house or car vs. paying for an expensive wedding) Be modest (new vs. used car etc.) Get to know Dave Ramsey (Debt guru)