Buerger’s Disease Can Imperil Male Organ Health


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Presentation transcript:

Buerger’s Disease Can Imperil Male Organ Health

Maintaining good male organ health is crucial if a man is to get the maximum enjoyment and pleasure from his manhood. That’s one reason why taking good care of the member, examining it regularly, using a quality male organ health crème on a regular basis and being on the lookout for signs of problems is important. But as most men also realize, sometimes male organ health can be affected by conditions which originate in or seem to have little to do with the manhood itself. One such condition is Buerger’s disease, a recurrent inflammatory condition.male organ health

About Buerger’s disease Also known by the more technical medical term of thromboangiitis obliterans, Buerger’s disease involves inflammation and clotting of small and medium veins and arteries. Most of the time, this condition occurs in the extremities – the hands and the feet. However, there are recorded instances of Buerger’s disease dwelling in the member and/or sacks. Men are much more likely to get Buerger’s disease, typically between the ages of 20 and 40. In the majority of cases, the victim is a smoker, and usually a heavy smoker. It also is more common among people of South Asian descent (suggesting a genetic factor at work), but it is not limited just to that demographic.

When a man has Buerger’s, the walls of the affected veins and arteries swell up, effectively narrowing the vein or artery. With the instrument narrowed, there is less room for blood to flow through, so blood flow (and the rate at which blood flows) is diminished. In time, this can lead to a complete blockage of the vessel, which means that anything in the vessel located beyond that clot is not getting any blood. Without blood, the tissue does not receive oxygen, and this in turn eventually causes the tissue to die. In extreme cases, gangrene can set in, which often leads to amputation. So if the blockage occurs in the manhood or sacks, a man runs the risk of a full or partial amputation of his most delicate parts. Because it is relatively rare, there is still a lot unknown about the disease. However, many scientists suspect it is an autoimmune reaction and that some ingredient in tobacco tends to trigger it.

Symptoms Classic signs associated with Buerger’s disease include pain in the affected area; when the pain occurs in the hands and feet, it may occur while in motion and disappear when at rest. The affected area also tends to be cold, a result of the lack of blood circulating through the area. Swelling and ulceration is not uncommon. Some case reports in which the member was affected include tumescence dysfunction as an early warning signal.

Treatment The most effective treatment is to stop smoking. In many cases this not only stops the progression of the disease but also reverses much of the damage already inflicted. Exercise programs may also be used to help improve blood flow. In some cases, electrotherapy and antibiotic treatments may be required, especially if ulceration is severe. Men who smoke are advised to seek help to quit. Those who have symptoms indicating possible Buerger’s disease should consult with their physician for assessment.

Buerger’s disease is fortunately a rare deterrent to male organ health, and it pays to be taking proactive steps to keep the organ in its prime. One way to help achieve this is to regularly apply a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Select a crème with L-arginine, an amino acid that helps produce nitric oxide, which in turns helps manhood blood vessels expand and receive a greater supply of blood. Ideally, the crème also needs to contain alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights excess free radicals and the damage they can cause.male organ health crème