Weak Tumescence? How to Boost Manhood Health


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Presentation transcript:

Weak Tumescence? How to Boost Manhood Health

Many men believe tumescence dysfunction means they can’t get it up at all, but for some men, the reality is a little more complex. Some men suffer from a weak tumescence – meaning they can get it up, but it doesn’t get hard enough for them to engage in sensual congress with a partner. Though most men have suffered from the occasional weak tumescence (especially during a period of time when they weren’t paying enough attention to member care, having a firmness that is consistently weak is cause for concern. member care

What might cause weak tumescence? In order to alleviate the problem of weak tumescence, a man must understand how hardness works in the first place. When a man becomes excited, the brain sends signals to the body to relax certain blood vessels, especially those around the member. The result is a rapid influx of blood into the spongy areas on either side of the male organ, known as the corpora cavernosa. As the blood flows in, the member becomes hard. The blood does not easily flow back out, thus allowing a man to keep his tumescence for as long as he needs to.

Given how tumescence works, it’s safe to say that any issues with circulation can cause serious problems with getting hard. If a man has problems with blood not pumping hard enough, it can lead to a lesser amount of blood filling those spongy areas, or none at all – this leads to a weak tumescence. The other issue might occur when lack of proper blood flow over a long period of time leads to nerve issues with the male organ, which then doesn’t allow the signals for hardness to get through appropriately. The result, as a man might imagine, is tumescence that is barely there or not there at all.

How to fix the problem of weak tumescence When a man first notices weak tumescence, he should get to the doctor as soon as possible. This is to rule out any underlying issues that might contribute to the problem. Without solving any underlying issues, nothing else a man tries will actually work. Once a guy has a clean bill of health, it’s time to look at circulation issues that might be causing the problem. In most cases, circulation issues stem from lifestyle habits, so changing some of those habits can be a huge help. These include:

Eat healthier. Foods loaded with lean protein, antioxidants and plenty of healthy nutrients are best. Look for fruits, veggies and lean meats. Drink plenty of water as well. Exercise more. The more the blood gets pumping, the healthier the blood vessels will be. A guy must make sure he’s getting his heart rate up during exercise, thus getting the best benefit, at least three or four times a week. Lose weight. The first two tips will help the weight come off naturally, but if a guy has already lost a bit and seems to be in a rut, it’s time to take extra steps. Working with a trainer can help a guy get in even better shape.

Stop bad habits. Smoking is horrible for heart health, and in turn, it’s terrible for male organ health. Stop smoking and lots of good things happen, including in the realm of manhood health and weak tumescence. Wear the right clothing. It’s important to protect the member, whether playing sports or sitting at the desk in the office. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting underwear and trousers; when playing sports, use a well-fitting cup to make sure no trauma comes to the member.

Finally, reach for a top-notch manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help ensure proper oxygenation of the member. This can be achieved through the use of L-arginine, an amino acid known for easing the flow of blood through the vessels, as well as vitamin C, which can help improve the health of the vessels themselves. Other nutrients in the best crème can also help, such as vitamin B, D and A, as well as Shea butter and vitamin E.manhood health crème