Some Treatments May Affect Member Size


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Presentation transcript:

Some Treatments May Affect Member Size

Life is full of trade-offs. Giving up that extra dessert in order to look good in those tight pants, for example, or eating in instead of out in order to help finance that vacation trip. But sometimes there may be unexpected trade- offs a guy doesn’t even know about. For example, occasionally a man may need some medical treatments to address a concern but that treatment could have unexpected side effects. If those side effects are in the area of male organ care, that can be especially concerning. Yet there are some treatments which may just do that, by potentially decreasing member size – not something that most men would want to happen. male organ care

Peyronie’s disease Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a man’s member bends at an extreme angle when firm. Many, many men have some degree of curvature to their tumescent manhood, either up, down or to one side, and that is perfectly normal. But with Peyronie’s disease, the curvature is so extreme that it can interfere with proper functioning and often causes pain when the member is tumescent. One of the side effects of Peyronie’s disease is that the curvature can effectively shorten the manhood. But member size can also be affected by treatments for Peyronie’s. If a patient undergoes plication surgery for Peyronie’s, member size is almost always affected. That’s because plication involves shortening the unaffected side of the member, tucking it in so that the bent side straightens out. The amount of length lost depends upon the degree of curvature.

Implants Some men have severe tumescence dysfunction issues that are non- responsive to most recommended treatments. In such cases, a man may opt for an inflatable male organ prosthetic, commonly called an implant. While many men hope this procedure will actually result in greater member size, it often has the opposite effect. The surgical procedure to place the implant in the manhood may result in some scarring which may take off a small degree of tumescent male organ size. Many men are happy for this trade-off if it means they can once again enjoy a more active sensual life – but they should know about the potential reduction in member size so they can make an informed choice.

Prostate surgery Prostate issues, especially prostate cancer, are serious. In some cases, the optimal treatment is a radical prostatectomy, in which the entire prostate and seminal vesicles are removed. In such cases, there may be a diminution of member size, most likely related to the unwanted development of male member fibrosis. In some cases, other treatments for prostate cancer may also result in less manhood length. There have been such instances reported both for androgen suppression coupled with radiation therapy and for androgen suppression alone. Some men may face an inevitable trade-off with member size in order to treat prostate cancer, but because of the potential seriousness of the cancer, it may be necessary.

Men who experience a negative change in member size due to medical treatments may experience self-consciousness, sorrow or depression. In such cases, they should seek professional mental health assistance to properly process and handle these feelings. Treatments that affect member size but cure other issues can be challenging. So can maintaining everyday member health, but that challenge is made easier by the regular use of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with the amino acid L- arginine can help keep member blood vessels healthy by helping create valuable nitric oxide. The crème should also include vitamins A, B5, C, D and E; topical application directly to the member can help boost manhood health.male organ health crème