Common Causes of Tumescence Dysfunction


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Presentation transcript:

Common Causes of Tumescence Dysfunction

Millions of men across the world suffer from tumescence dysfunction. In fact, it’s one of the most common member problems that send a man to the doctor seeking a solution. And there are solutions, fortunately – some of them are as simple as paying more attention to good male organ care, while others require a bit more attention and effort. Understanding the most common reasons for tumescence dysfunction can help a man eliminate his risk factors and avoid the member problems that can result from not being able to get it up.male organ care

What causes tumescence dysfunction? The reasons for tumescence dysfunction can be wide and varied. Some causes stem from medical conditions, which require a doctor’s help to overcome. But in some cases, the issues that lead to tumescence dysfunction and other member problems can be handled by a man on his own. 1) The use of steroids or medications. Many men who seek out the look of a body-building guru might also seek out steroids and other medications that can lead to all sorts of physical problems. Men should always be careful when using medications, even those that are prescribed for them, but they should be especially wary of using steroids and similar medications that they have obtained without a doctor’s note. Unfortunately, some severe cases of long-term use lead to damage that simply cannot be overcome.

2) Severe lack of sensitivity. When a man doesn’t feel the gentle touches that used to excite him, that can lead to an inability to get hard like he used to. Sure, the manhood might still work just fine sometimes, but it can be tough to get the sensations necessary to raise the flagpole at the proper time. A man can fight against the lack of manhood sensation by taking a break from self-pleasuring, using a top-notch male organ health crème on a regular basis and practicing excellent male organ care.

3) Depression. The physical is closely tied to the mental and emotional, and that’s why so many who suffer from depression might also suffer from tumescence dysfunction. The good news is that in this case, as a man gets treatment for depression and related symptoms, he will see his manhood function come back. A man who is dealing with depression should always reach out for help, whether from friends and family or a professional who can help lead him in the right direction. 4) Relationship worries. In some cases, a man who has relationship woes will find that he can’t get it up like he used to with his partner. This can be caused by a huge variety of emotional issues, including guilt, anger, sadness, or worries about pregnancy, infidelity and more. In a case like this, a man must tackle the problem head-on with a heart-to-heart with his partner. This won’t be easy, but it’s necessary for better health.

5) Exhaustion. Any man who has suffered from lack of sleep might have the unfortunate experience of a manhood that simply refused to cooperate when it was time for action. And in fact, some men have experienced exhaustion so deep that the very idea of getting it up is laughable. When a man is far too tired, it’s not only male organ health that is affected, but his overall health as well. A few nights of deep sleep can make him right as rain. But if he finds that sleep is elusive, it might be time to try over-the-counter sleeping medications or visit a doctor for more serious cases.

No matter what the causes of tumescence dysfunction, it’s a good idea to keep the manhood as healthy as possible for the next potential encounter. A man can do that with the use of a great male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good crème will contain L-arginine, which enhanced blood flow where it matters most, as well as L- carnitine, which can protect manhood sensation and make it easier for a man to respond to gentle touches.male organ health crème