CLARIN Language Resources Switchboard in CLARIAH Jan Odijk CLARIAH Techdag 2017-10-06
What is possible already
Text of the message De Volkskrant, 5 oktober 2017 Nieuwe coalitie koerst aan op 1,5 miljard extra voor defensie De nieuwe coalitie gaat jaarlijks ongeveer 1,5 miljard euro extra uittrekken voor defensie. Het gaat om een beginbedrag, mogelijk groeien de uitgaven nog meer. Dat bevestigen bronnen rondom de formerende coalitiepartijen VVD, CDA, D66 en ChristenUnie.
Upload file (bericht.txt) to CLRS
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Show Tools
Select NLP Suite for Dutch Benadrukken: komt meer van tegen eind programma a;s meer gebouwd en meer te dissemineren.
Click and Run The Tool
(Additional Parameters) and Tool is running
What is not yet possible Enter with a (zipped) collection of HTML or Word files OpenConvert is suggested, converted to FoLiA, NLP suite is suggested Enriched with linguistic annotations AutoSearch is suggested, and the researcher can search in and analyse his/her own corpus Etc for all data types and tools in CLARIAH
Which Tools? General: any tool that operates on user-supplied input data WP2: Anansi (Excel, CVS, Dataperfect) WP3: Adelheid-Visualiser, Autonomata-tool, AutoSearch upload, COREA, FROG, INPOLDER, NameScape-NER, OpenConvert, PaQu upload, GrETEL upload, @PhilosTEI, TICClops, TQE, TTNWW, UCTO, PICCL? (and other Nijmegen web applications) and some others WP4: DataLegend: Qber (CSV, Excel), GRLC (SPARQL query), BRWSR(?), Inspector(?), Yasgui, DRUID WP5: Mediasuite components: Collection analyser, Collection selector(?), various players, annotation: commenting, classifying, linking and older standalone versions of the tools (e.g. AVResearcherXL)
Background Materials SwitchBoard spec: LR_switchboard_spec.pdf Stand-alone version of the CLRS: Example of CLRS in the VLO: ralicka_58_&fqType=format:or&fq=format:application/tei%2Bxml&index=7&coun t=20 Go to the tab Resources and click on the three dots to the right of the resource CLRS registry: eric/LRSwitchboard/blob/master/app/back-end/Registry.js Presentation by Claus Zinn at CLARIN 2016: Abstract by Claus Zinn at CLARIN 2017: overview-clarin-annual-conference-2017#I