Does Traction Help a Bent Member?


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Presentation transcript:

Does Traction Help a Bent Member?

The appearance of a guy’s member can be a matter of great concern to a man. Every guy wants to sport a handsome male organ, and so men may spend time admiring or worrying over their manhood. A frequent concern occurs when the member is curved; a certain amount of curvature may be considered attractive, but when a man has a severely bent member, it may cause anguish. And beyond the physical appearance, a really bent member can be a male organ health issue. When the curvature is extreme enough to cause pain or interfere with sensual functioning, steps may need to be taken to address the issue. One strategy is using a traction device to help lessen the curvature. But is this a medically sound option?male organ health

Peyronie’s disease Often when a bent member is severely affected, a man may be diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease. Named after the doctor who first described the condition, Peyronie’s disease is generally caused when the member experiences trauma or injury. This may be a direct blow to the member, as when a baseball traveling at great speed hits the midsection, or it may come about from the manhood being handled too roughly during sensual activity. In the latter, the condition is likely to result from repeated instances of rough handling.

When the member is injured, a small amount of scar tissue, called plaque, forms as part of the healing process. If the injury is large enough, or if repeated trauma causes more layers of scar tissue to form on top of each other, it can result in curving. This occurs because the plaque lacks the elasticity of regular manhood tissue. So when the member becomes firm, the damaged side of the manhood can’t stretch as far as the other side, causing the organ to bend. In some cases, this causes pain when the member becomes firm. It also may bring about tumescence dysfunction. If the curvature is severe enough, it may preclude the possibility of sensual activity.

Treatment In a small number of cases (usually of the milder variety), Peyronie’s goes away without treatment. And in some cases, the degree of curvature is not severe enough to require treatment. But in other cases, a doctor may recommend a number of treatments. These range from oral medications to injections to surgery. One option sometimes recommended is traction.

Traction Most treatments for a severely bent member haven’t undergone rigorous clinical trials, so assessing their effectiveness is difficult. But at least one trial involving manhood traction therapy showed promise. Involving 55 men with Peyronie’s disease, the study found an average decrease in curvature of 20 degrees; plaque disappeared in 48% of the patients. And the rate of those unable to achieve penetration fell from 62% to 20%. For the study, the men used a traction device, often called a male organ extender. The device attaches at the base of the member and again underneath the head. It is then extended, pulling and stretching the manhood. The men in the study were instructed to wear the device for 6-9 hours each day for 6 months.

Based on the results of this study, it seems that traction may be an option for some men with a very bent member. However, there are drawbacks; not all men responded to the treatment, and there is some degree of pain and discomfort associated with member stretching. Men with Peyronie’s should definitely consult with a doctor to see if they should consider any kind of treatment.

Whether or not using traction to treat a bent member, men should be sure to use a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep the manhood in good health. One with vitamin C is especially urged, as this vitamin helps produce collagen, which in turn supports male organ elasticity. Also welcome in a crème is L-arginine, which can help restore manhood sensitivity after rough handling.male organ health crème