Can Surgery Help Restore Member Sensation?


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Presentation transcript:

Can Surgery Help Restore Member Sensation?

In most cases, men who suffer a slight loss of member sensation can take a few good manhood care tips to heart and gradually restore their male organ sensitivity. But what about those who are suffering from severe sensation loss? For those men, the idea of surgery to restore member sensation is not far-fetched. In fact, they might choose to eagerly go under the knife if it means they again get to feel the pleasures their body was designed to feel.manhood care On the other hand, any surgery is risky, but especially one that requires a surgeon to work on the manhood and surrounding area. Here’s what a man needs to know about surgery for sensation restoration, as well as other ways that might be worth trying first.

What does member sensation restoration entail? One of the most common member sensation restoration surgeries works on the principle of preventing friction, chafing and any other potentially damaging touch against the manhood. To do this, the surgeon works to create a flap of tissue that covers the head of the manhood, much like an artificial prepuce. By keeping this most sensitive area of the manhood protected and safe from any outside elements, it allows the area to heal the nerve endings that have been damaged. The result is often that a man can eventually feel member sensation in the area, often enough that he can once again engage in satisfying sensual play, whether with himself or a partner.

The problem is that surgery like this requires cutting, and that’s something that can lead to even more loss of sensation. The areas where the skin is removed from will likely be numb for a while, and might even suffer some permanent nerve damage. Besides that, every cut and stitch creates another wound that must heal – and that heightens the risk of infection. A man who winds up with an infection after the surgery could see his male organ sensitivity decrease even more.

So what’s a man to do about member sensation restoration? Rather than go under the knife, a man can look to other ways that aren’t as invasive. Cardiovascular health matters a great deal, as it takes copious blood flow to make a member as Firm and sensitive as it should be. Paying attention to diet and exercise is a great way to start. It’s also important to look at overall health, as things like smoking, diabetes and other health concerns can quickly diminish male organ sensitivity. Besides this, it’s important to make sure the manhood is always protected from potential nerve damage. Avoid anything that might lead to soreness, bruising or other issues that could lead to damage. For instance, always wear an appropriate cup or jock strap during sports, wear the proper underwear, use the best cleansers for sensitive skin and otherwise look for ways to enhance and protect manhood skin.

Finally, a man who has serious issues with member sensation can talk to the doctor about potential creams and medications that might help enhance the sensation they do have. Though medications do not work for everyone and are often considered a last resort before surgery, it might be worth taking a tablet every day to avoid going under the knife.

Another good option for preserving male organ sensitivity is the daily use of a high-quality manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which can keep the skin soft and thus enhance sensitivity. Also look for L-carnitine, which fights against peripheral nerve damage, and can help protect a man’s sensitive manhood skin from further problems. Finally, L-arginine is great for better blood flow, which can help boost the sensitivity of those nerve endings.manhood health crème