the golden lampstand ~ Exodus 25:31-40 & Leviticus 24:1-4


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Presentation transcript:

the golden lampstand ~ Exodus 25:31-40 & Leviticus 24:1-4

‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ its structure … ‘make a lampstand of pure gold and hammer it out, base and shaft’ at today’s gold price (06.2017), it is worth approx. £1.1million

‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ its splendour … ‘flowerlike cups’ – purity ‘buds’ – productiveness ‘blossoms’ – power

‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ its shining … the Light of the world luminaries in the world ‘clear oil … so that the lamps may keep burning’ the wicks ‘must be tended continually’

‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ its supervision … its size … its significance … light of attraction and perception its suggestiveness … the contrast between the OT/NT