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Why were priests so important in ancient civilizations? Quick Write

Tuesday, November 17th , 2015 Warm Up: Quick Write Objectives: Essential Question? 1). What was the function of religion in Mesopotamia? Course Essential Question: What is the function of religion in ancient society? Warm Up: Quick Write Game Plan: 1). Quick Write Discussion 2). Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia 3). Build Your Own Ziggurat 4). Reflection Homework: Finish Building Your Own Ziggurat Objectives: I will: 1). Explain how religion impacted Mesopotamian society.

Polytheism- more than one God Polytheism- more than one God. Gods controlled all aspects of their lives like rain wind and nature. Gods behaved much like people; ate, drank, slept, and married. Also lived forever and had great power. Happy gods from prayers and offerings, if not they brought war, famine, floods, etc. Sumerian Religion

Believed that ONLY priests could communicate with the gods Believed that ONLY priests could communicate with the gods. Told them what the gods wanted and ran the temples. Temples were known as ziggurats. Largest was 7 stories tall. Filled with paintings and statues. Farmland surrounded the temple and was used by the temple as storage. Sumerian Priests

Sumerian Social Classes Three classes, each with distinct roles: Upper class was rulers, priests, top officials, wealthy merchants and large land owners. Middle Class- Farmers and skilled workers Lowest was slaves. Governments and religious beliefs were firmly connected and supported the social order. Sumerian Social Classes

Anu - Sometimes called An, Anu was the god of the heavens and king of the gods. The city associated with Anu was Uruk. Enlil - The god of air, wind, and storms, Enlil held the Tablets of Destiny. These tablets gave him control over the fate of man and made him very powerful. He wore a crown with horns. He was associated with the city of Nippur. Enki - Enki was the shaper of the world as well as god of wisdom, intellect, and magic. He invented the plough and was responsible for making plants grow. He is drawn holding Zu, the storm bird. He was god of the city of Eridu. Utu - The god of the sun as well as justice and the law, Utu is drawn holding a saw like instrument. Mythology says that Utu travels across the world each day in a chariot. Inanna - Inanna was the goddess of love and war. Her symbol is a star with eight points. Her primary city was Uruk, but she was also prominent in the city of Babylon. Nanna - Nanna was also called Sin. He was god of the moon. His home was the city of Ur.

Build Your Own Ziggurat Review the list of Mesopotamian Gods and the details about them. Select one and decorate the Ziggurat to dedicate it to the specific god. One the back, write a 4-5 sentence “CE” explaining why you decorated the Ziggurat in the manner that you did. Build Your Own Ziggurat

What is power? Why do people want it? Quick Write

Wednesday, November 18th , 2015 Warm Up: Quick Write Objectives: Essential Question? 1). How were Priests, Kings, and power related in Sumer? Course Essential Question: How does power define ancient and modern day governments, and why/how has the structure of power evolved over time? Warm Up: Quick Write Game Plan: 1). Share your Ziggurats 2). Power in Sumer 3). Reflection Questions Cool Down: Discussion Homework: None Objectives: I will: 1). Analyze events in Sumerian history in order to identify types of power and transfer of power.

Sumerian Government First leaders of the city were priests. Why do you think this could have happened? Different cities began to argue and compete, this led to conflict. What do you think they competed for? Why would it lead to conflict? Sumerian Government

In war, priests choose the best person to lead In war, priests choose the best person to lead. After the war was over, the leader was expected to give up their power. Why would the priests be most qualified? Some leaders did not give up the power, military leaders became the first kings. What gave them the power to do this?

Kings needed the support of priests to stay in power. Kings respected the priest’s rights and power Priests returned the favor telling of god’s support of the kings. Idea was that Gods choose the king. Kings and priests worked together to create religious ceremony supported by royal power. Took church power eventually, Public works, judge, lawmaker

Power Power transfers from one group to another. People are ALWAYS competing for power. In Ancient Mesopotamia, did power transfer between groups and what type of power did each group specialize in? Although unable uneducated and unable to be the government, did middle and lower class people have power? Explain. Power

Written laws- First laws written in Ur Written laws- First laws written in Ur. Ur Nammu law code had laws about marriage, slavery, and causing harm to each other. Achievements under Kings and Priests- advancements spread through trade. Development of bronze. Mixed copper and tin under fire. Harder metal than copper or tin. Better for stronger tools and weapons.