(A) Sciatic nerve anatomy (popliteal), ultrasound image


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Presentation transcript:

(A) Sciatic nerve anatomy (popliteal), ultrasound image (A) Sciatic nerve anatomy (popliteal), ultrasound image. (A1) Sciatic nerve anatomy, ultrasound probe orientation (inset). SN = sciatic nerve, femur, PA = popliteal artery. (B, B1) Sciatic nerve anatomy, TN = tibial nerve, PN = common peroneal nerve. Source: Chapter 15. Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, Surgical and Interventional Ultrasound Citation: Schrope B. Surgical and Interventional Ultrasound; 2014 Available at: https://accesssurgery.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/Books/schr1/schr1_c015f005b.png&sec=45956317&BookID=698&ChapterSecID=45954795&imagename= Accessed: December 24, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved