Bent Male Organ: Due to Blood Pressure or Medication?


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Presentation transcript:

Bent Male Organ: Due to Blood Pressure or Medication?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a man develops a severely bent male organ, and is a definite manhood health concern. While some curvature of the organ is common in many men, with Peyronie’s the degree of curvature is significant and often to an extent that it may cause pain or prevent a man from successfully engaging in sensual activity. Men with high blood pressure are thought to be at an increased risk of developing such a severely bent member. But is it the hypertension itself that raises the risk or the medicine used to treat the blood pressure?manhood health

More about the bent male organ In Peyronie’s disease, the curvature is believed to be due to a build-up of plaque in one or more areas of the member. This often occurs after the organ has received trauma, especially repeated trauma in the same area. When the manhood is injured, it creates scar tissue over the injury to aid the healing process. But scar tissue lacks the elasticity of normal member skin. If enough of this scar tissue forms in the same area, it inhibits the ability of the skin to stretch fully to accommodate a tumescent manhood. So, for example, if the scar tissue is on the top of the male organ, when the member starts lengthening, it will hit a “snag” on the top. The bottom and side tissue will lengthen as usual, but on top, it will cause the manhood to bend upward. Depending on where the scar tissue is located, a man’s member may bend up, down, to the left or to the right. In some cases the bending can approach 90 degrees.

Blood pressure As mentioned, men with high blood pressure are at greater risk of developing such a bent male organ situation. At first, it was assumed that the high blood pressure itself played a role; however, in more recent years, it has become accepted that the real culprit may be medications used to treat the blood pressure. Specifically, the class of medication known as beta blockers seems to raise the risk of Peyronie’s disease. Beta blockers are not just used for high blood pressure; they are also used for treating other cardiac-related issues, as well as glaucoma, thyroid issues, anxiety and migraines. But they are perhaps most often associated with blood pressure cases.

Exactly why beta blockers are associated with a bent male organ risk is not clear. However, studies have shown that some men do seem to develop increase plaque build-ups in the member after taking beta blockers for a period of time. If a man is using beta blockers and develops a bent male organ, he should consult with his doctor to determine if an alternative treatment might be available to control his blood pressure. However, it is important to note that ceasing the use of beta blockers will not likely reverse the bending that has already occurred. For that, a man needs to see a urologist to determine what treatment plan might be initiated to relieve the bending issue.

Whether due to high blood pressure medication or another cause, a bent male organ can sometimes be accompanied by pain, especially during the tumescent state. Some men may find some relief through the application of a first rate manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Because the pain is in some part due to inflexibility of the member skin during tumescence, using a crème that can help moisturize the skin is desired. A crème with both a high- end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) can aid in properly moisturizing skin. The crème should also include vitamin C. This vitamin has properties which help to support elasticity in member skin. manhood health crème