Man to Man: Talking to a Friend about Member Health


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Presentation transcript:

Man to Man: Talking to a Friend about Member Health

Guys love to talk about everything and anything, but they seem to have serious problems talking about member health. Since good male organ care is so important to a man’s health, sense of well-being and sensual satisfaction, it stands to reason that a guy would be more than ready to talk about it; however, that’s not the case. So how can a man get to the point of feeling comfortable with talking about the equipment with another guy?male organ care

Fortunately, there are lots of good answers to that. Here are a few. Look for friends who are open-minded. Everybody knows how it works; some friends are those that keep their feelings close to the vest and never say much of anything, but there are others that start talking about sensuality and everything related as soon as they open their mouths. It’s those latter friends that a guy might be tempted to talk to about member health, but don’t discount the quiet ones. They are the deep thinkers who might have some valuable insights. The idea is to find someone who is open-minded enough to know that talking about member health is simply a matter of daily life, just like male organ care is.

Choose the right time to talk. Two guys working hard on a construction site might not have the time or the inclination to talk about male organ bumps or rashes. But two men sitting over a few cold beers might be more likely to discuss all matters below the belt. Wait until a chosen friend seems to be quite relaxed and talkative. Broach the subject carefully. Don’t just jump into the discussion, as that might get all kinds of side-eye. Instead, frame the situation as a story of sorts. “So the other night, I was getting ready to go out on a date with that hot girl and I looked down in the shower and saw these weird red marks on my male organ.” That’s going to get the friend’s attention, because this is a situation that he might know very well, and who doesn’t want to help out a friend with their dating issues?

Back off if necessary. No matter how open a guy seems to be, if he tenses up and closes off when member health is brought up in any way, it’s time to back off. He’s not ready to talk about it, and might never be. But at least now it’s clear, and a man with questions can look to some of his other friends for advice. Return the favor. If a man is open to talking about member health, he’s likely open to talking about his own problems as well. So when he does mention something like that, drop everything and focus on what he’s saying. This is the kind of discussion that strengthens and solidifies a great friendship, so it deserves full attention.

Say “thank you.” Sometimes a guy might talk about manhood health even though he’s not really comfortable with it, just as a way to help make his buddy feel better. Whether or not that’s the case, don’t forget to thank that listening friend – profusely! “You’ve really set my mind at ease, man. Thank you so much!” is a great way to make him feel valued and helpful. Speaking of helpful, a man can help ensure the best manhood health by using a specially formulated member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains a wealth of nutrients, such as vitamin A to fight odor and vitamin C for overall health, is great. Other important ingredients include Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which provide hydration that leaves skin smooth, supple and ready for action.member health crème