That Strange Manhood Pain: The Lowdown on Blue Sacks


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Presentation transcript:

That Strange Manhood Pain: The Lowdown on Blue Sacks

At some point in his life, every man will have an unfortunate case of blue sacks. It’s simply a fact of life that at some time, a man will get interrupted right before or right as he is doing the deed, and he won’t be able to finish, for whatever reason. As a result of that rude interruption, a man will suffer from the strange manhood pain that he can’t seem to remedy. What should he do? Is member care different in the wake of blue sacks? What are blue sacks, anyway? And is the condition dangerous? Here are the facts.member care

Fact #1: Blue sacks are a real thing. Though some might say the manhood pain of blue sacks is actually all psychological, that’s not true. When a man gets excited, the body shunts plenty of blood to his male organ to allow it to get hard and ready for action. Once a man releases seed, that blood quickly flows out of the organ and he becomes soft again. However, when a man is interrupted in the middle of the act, the male organ doesn’t have that fast-release mechanism for blood. As a result, the blood stays in the member longer than it would otherwise, draining out slowly, and giving that strange manhood pain that often migrates lower, creating the ‘blue sacks’ effect.

Fact #2: Does having blue sacks do any damage in there? Though it can feel as though the male organ and surrounding area is in really rough shape, the truth is that a case of blue sacks doesn’t have any lasting effects. Having blood in the area for longer than usual won’t cause even mild damage. There is one caveat, however: if a man has tumescence that lasts for four hours or more, that means the blood is not draining at all, and that could be a bad thing. At that point it’s time to go to the emergency room. Other than this very clear emergency, blue sacks are just…blue sacks. It’s a strange male organ and sacks pain that will go away eventually on its own.

Fact #3: Does having blue sacks affect fertility? Good news: Having blue sacks doesn’t affect the little swimmers. This myth might have come about because sometimes, especially for men whose male organ tends to become a darker hue during excitement, the sacks and even the base of the member might take on a bluish tinge during an episode of blue sacks. And as many know from watching one too many medical dramas on television, a blue tint to the skin usually means bad things! But in this case, it just means there’s a lot of blood trapped in there that is taking its sweet time in getting out. It won’t affect a man’s fertility at all.

Fact #4: Sometimes a guy might have to wait it out. For some men, having blue sacks means the end of their night of excitement. That’s because the occasional man won’t be able to spill seed after having blue sacks for a long period of time. His ability will come back, of course, but sometimes not for several hours. Scientists aren’t sure why this happens, but it’s speculated that the feeling of pressure in the male organ and surrounding area might make it more difficult for a man to feel the sensations he needs to get off. But no worries – a man is usually ready and raring to go again the next day with no problems!

When a guy is recovering from a case of blue sacks, it’s time to reach for a strong member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with nutrients that enhance blood flow, such as vitamins C and D, as well as L- arginine for opening up the blood vessels, is a good idea. And a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E can help him keep skin smooth, supple and ready for action the next time the opportunity rolls around.member health crème