Measuring height
Based on EHES Manual, Part B. Fieldwork Procedures, 2nd edition (2016) Available at: These slides can be used freely, translated and adapted to national use (e.g. concerning the equipment). However, it is important to keep in mind that no changes should be made to the measurement techniques, which need to be standardized.
Motivate participant Explain why height is measured Previous measurements may be inaccurate and not comparable to the results from other participants You are likely to have lost height during the years Accurate height is needed e.g. to calculate body mass index, which is an indicator of obesity
Exclusion criteria Height is not measured if participant is immobile or in a wheelchair and has severe difficulties in standing straight is taller than the maximum height of the stadiometer has a hairstyle which prevents the proper use of the equipment refuses
Equipment Portable or fixed stadiometer Steps Carpenter’s level Standardized length rod
Checking and calibration Daily or when a new examination site is set up: Place the stadiometer on hard floor or use wooden platform Check vertical and horizontal placement of the stadiometer with the carpenter’s level Check the height of the rule by using the standardized length rod If a fixed height rule can move during the day (e.g. it is taped on the wall), check it with standardized rod at regular intervals Correct if the error is greater than 2 mm Record the results of calibration and checking in the survey log book
Clothing and posture Ask the participant to take off shoes, heavy outer garments and hair ornaments, head dress etc. Ask the participant to stand still Weight evenly on both feet in a normal standing position Arms hanging loosely at his/her sides Looking straight ahead Pois?
Posture II Check the straight standing position from the front Check that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels are touching or in line with the stadiometre
Posture III Check that the ear canal is in line with the cheek bone Lower the head piece of the stadiometer so that the hair is pressed flat
Reading the result Read the result from your eye level
Tall participants When the participant is taller than you are, use steps
Recording Record height to the nearest mm or to the resolution of the stadiometre If height is not measured, record the reason Record the number of the measurement device
Acknowledgements Slides prepared by: Johanna Mäki-Opas, Annamari Lundqvist, Hanna Tolonen, Päivikki Koponen Photographs: Hanna Tolonen Measurement demonstrations by Liisa Saarikoski, Ulla Leskinen and voluntary participants Experiences and feedback from the EHES network have been utilized in the preparation of these slides Funding: Preparation of the slides is part of the activities of the EHES Coordinating Centre which has received funding from the EC/DG SANTÉ in 2009-2012 through SANCO/2008/C2/02-SI2.538318 EHES and Grand Agreement number 2009-23-01, and in 2015-2017 through Grand Agreement number 664691/BRIDGE Health
Disclaimer The views expressed here are those of the authors and they do not represent the Commission’s official position.