4th stabilization meeting


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Presentation transcript:

4th stabilization meeting 22 juillet 2018 4th stabilization meeting Optical measurement of the pole tips

To be measured : Where? Poles relative position Poles vibrations Poles displacements To be measured : Poles relative position Mechanical shifts when mounting Mechanical shifts with magnetic field on Poles vibrations Amplitude Phase Where? Extremities Longitudinal map 25/09/2008 -MichelFontaine- CLIC Stabilisation ("pied de page" et "date" -> onglet menu Affichage/En-tête)

Use differential interferometer Measurement method Use differential interferometer Create a support for interferometers (extremity flange) and verify its stability Verify availability of measurement on a single point Vibrations evaluation Calibration bench design for 1 point measurement 25/09/2008 -MichelFontaine- CLIC Stabilisation ("pied de page" et "date" -> onglet menu Affichage/En-tête)

Design proposal for 1 point measurement bench 3 differential measurements Interpolation device T,P. Geophone +accelerometer 25/09/2008 -MichelFontaine- CLIC Stabilisation ("pied de page" et "date" -> onglet menu Affichage/En-tête)