Assoc. Pastor of Worship Assoc. Pastor of Youth & Education Pastoral Staff Dr. Eric G. Fuller Senior Pastor Rev. Brian A. Lashley Assoc. Pastor of Worship Rev. Larry Morrison Assoc. Pastor of Youth & Education
Minister On Call Rev. Larry Morrison 256-652-5452
Deacons of the Week Lance Toon 256-651-7849 Robby Dillard 256-430-2394 Deacon Chairman Roger Raby 256-651-9275
Today’s Volunteers Nursery: Morning Wednesday – Chris & Jessica Dimasi Bed Babies – Jayne & Jayanna Howell Toddlers/Threes – Vickie & Anna Owens PM - Aisha Robinzine Wednesday – Chris & Jessica Dimasi
Today’s Volunteers Counters Buford Sanders, James Kennedy, Clay Jones Ushers Roger Raby, Basil Fee, Don Roden, Clay Jones Greeters Ushers, Rob Little, Angela Roden, John Stubbert
Today’s Volunteers Children’s Church Jamie Sanders: Pre-K & K Dull’s: 1st-6th grades Candy Brigade Barbara Blankenship
HBC On-Line LIVE STREAMING NOW AVAILABLE!! Go to Under “quick links” section click on live streaming to hear the Sunday morning service live!!
Wednesday Night 5:00 – 5:50 Wed. Night Supper 5:45 – 7:00 Youth Worship Service 6:00 – 7:00 RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, Bible Drill
Sunday Worship Schedule 9:30 - 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 - 12:00 Worship Service 4:15 - 5:25 HBC Handbells 5:00 – 6:00 Youth Ensembles/ Puppets/ special activities with youth and children 5:30 – 7:00 Adult choir practice 6:00 – 7:00 Adult & Youth Discipleship & childrens choir
Wednesday Worship Schedule 5:00 – 5:50 Wed. Night Supper 5:45 – 7:00 Youth Worship Service 6:00 – 7:00 RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, Bible Drill Mid-Week Worship Service
God may be calling you!!! But he is not using this…. Homecoming Please turn off cell phones during the worship service.
XYZ What is XYZ? XYZ is a time when Senior Adults come together to renew their spirits, share prayer concerns, have a time of fellowship, and following a program, share a meal together. Come and join us !!
Senior News Dec. 13th XYZ Christmas Celebration The Lashleys will provide a program of music. Bring a side dish
Church Wide Breakfast As a gift from the Pastoral Staff. December 18th 8:00am
Candlelight Service December 18th @ 6:00pm Followed by Family night at Christmas fellowship
Children’s Parent Meeting - TODAY 4:30 p.m. in the A/C... Chad will share with you the vision he believes God has given for the Children Ministry at HBC.
Daily Devotionals Daily devotionals are in the Activities Center in the literature racks just as you walk in the door.
Children’s Christmas Musical Sunday Evening December 4th @ 6:30pm
Fellowship time following. Children’s Christmas Musical Fellowship time following. Please bring a dessert.
Adult Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Dec. 7th In the Sanctuary Bible study in the A/C
Adult Choir Christmas Musical Sunday Dec. 11th 10:45am
Student Choir Christmas Musical Sunday Dec. 11th 6:00pm
See Catherine Morrison for details Ladies’ Christmas Party Tuesday Dec. 13th See Catherine Morrison for details
Sunday School Christmas Parties Wednesday Dec. 14th 6:00pm – 9:00pm
ALL Teams Monday Dec. 5th 6:30pm in the AC
Available on the welcome center Current Newsletter & Calendar Available on the welcome center and on-line at
SUNDAY NIGHT 5:00pm Ministry Teams 6:00pm Youth Choir WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:00pm – 7:00pm Youth Worship Service
Wednesday Night Dinner Thank you for all of the support on Wednesday nights!! The turn out for meals has been great and the fellowship has been outstanding!!
Wednesday Night Dinner Please help us in the following areas: If your children eat outside please bring in their trash If you use the A.C. please be sure to leave it as you found it Invite someone to Wednesday night dinner
Food Pantry Needs THANK YOU!! The food pantry is well stocked but is still in need of the following items: TUNA, PASTA SAUCE, SYRUP AND CANNED MILK. Our community uses this ministry heavily so please give..
Want to join the HBC yahoo e-mail group? HBC Email Group Want to join the HBC yahoo e-mail group? Just e-mail or call the church office and we will add you (837-4129)
You can check out the CD from the HBC Library!! Miss Last Weeks Sermon? You can check out the CD from the HBC Library!!