“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10


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Presentation transcript:

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Yes, A Child of God Can Be Lost. Gal.5:1-4

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Matt.16:18 John 20:30-31 John 6:60, 66-69

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Matt.28:20 Acts 17:11 2 Tim.2:15

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Assemble With The Saints Acts 11:26 I Cor.14:3-4 Heb.10:24-25

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Assemble With The Saints Keep A Pure Conscience I Tim.1:5 Rom.14:22-23 Matt.6:22-24

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Assemble With The Saints Keep A Pure Conscience Talk To God In Prayer Lk.18:1-5 I Pet.5:7 - - - > “Because to Him it matters Heb.4:14-16 concerning you” Interlinear

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Assemble With The Saints Keep A Pure Conscience Talk To God In Prayer Teach Others The Gospel Heb.5:11-14 Ezra 7:10 Learn  Do  Teach

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Assemble With The Saints Keep A Pure Conscience Talk To God In Prayer Teach Others The Gospel Keep Company -- Hospitality I Pet.4:8-9; Heb.13:1-2; 2 Thes.3:14, I Cor.15:33

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Lay A Solid Foundation Have An Open Bible Assemble With The Saints Keep A Pure Conscience Talk To God In Prayer Teach Others The Gospel Keep Company Discipline: Instructive And Corrective Gal,6:1-2, Jam.5:19-20 - - - I Cor.5:11; 2 Thes.3:6, 14

“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” Rev.2:10 Will We Be Able to Say With Paul, Those Beautiful Words of 2Tim.4:6-8???

You Can Enjoy A Crown Of Life Also, If You Will Love & Obey Him Hear the gospel of Christ, Rom.10:17 Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.5:1 Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30 Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 Be Baptized for the Remission of Sins, Ac.2:38 -------------------------- Be Thou Faithful Unto Death, Rev.2:10 If Err From The Faith: Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22